Chapter 15

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I stare at the wall with a look of disgust, horror and anger. Valerie killed my mother. My mother is dead because of Valerie. Wasn't it enough to torture me?

I close my teary green eyes and stagger backwards towards the deathbed of my mother. My senses disappear into a world of black. My consciousness follows.

My head slumps back onto my mothers covered, dead body. My blond hair sits in a slightly tangled, slightly bloody mess on the crimson-stained sheets. My body goes numb, pins and needles poke me everywhere. But before I pass out however, James whispers something to me.

"Butterfly? You can't be the butterfly! How is this...." The rest is cut off by darkness. I let the endless sea of nothing capture me like a child catching a flittering autumn leaf in the wind.

~ "Mommy! Mommy! Where are you mommy?" I squealed desperately, running circles, in my bright yellow sundress, around our tiny, old house. My little feet scampered across the living room carpet, the kitchen tiles, the rotting wood of the front deck, my pretty light pink socks collecting dirt. But I still searched for mommy.

"Mommy! Come! Come here Mommy!" I chirped, a lump of worry eating away my insides. Mommy was always around. Mommy always came to me. Mommy never ignored me.

I crawled up the stairs on my hands and knees, slipping on the last step. My face thumped hard on the wooden upstairs floors.

"M-mo-m-my!" I wailed in my little three year old voice.

My head hurt. I wanted mommy. Where was she? She isn't coming right now, so I gotta keep looking.

I wiped away most if my tears and pushed my tiny toddler body up from the ground and too my shaky feet. I stumble over to Mommy and Daddy's bedroom door. To me, the door looked a bajillion feet high. I could barely reach the doorknob.

"Daddy? Mommy?" I called, my voice wavering from crying. No answer.

I drew my fist back and pounded on the wood with all my might. I beat the door over and over until my little knuckles hurt. Still, nobody answered.

I sighed and sat slumped against the door. I closed my tiny green eyes and tried to fall asleep. Mommy and Daddy will carry me to my bed and tuck me in if I'm sleeping. I'll wait for them to find me.

I curled up into a tiny ball and popped my thumb into my mouth. The floor was cold against my head. I scrunched up my face and rested my head on my arm. I tucked my knees up higher to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut.

Not five minutes later did I hear the bang. It came from downstairs, and nearly made me wet my diaper.

I stood up abruptly and practically junked down the staircase. Mommy and Daddy are downstairs!

I scuttled to the basement door and scowled. This doorknob was to high too. Looking around the hallway, I spied a chair in Daddy's study. I walked over into the room, thankfully that Daddy left this door open, and curled my my miniature fingers around the side of the chair. It was a spinny chair, the kind on wheels. I dragged it over the carpet and propped it up beside the basement door. I climbed up onto the chair, stumbling and nearly falling a few times. When I finally made it up top, I was tall enough to grasp the doorknob. I stared at it for a few seconds. I'd never been big enough to reach a doorknob. I'd never opens a door. Mommy and Daddy always did for me. How do I even-

A loud bang erupted from the other side of the door. Followed by a shrill, high pitched scream. Mommy.

I wrapped my stubby little fingers around the doorknob and pulled and pushed. But nothing worked. I got frustrated and twisted the doorknob, trying to pull it right out of the door. With a loud creak, the door swung open and I stood there shocked, amazed and triumphant.

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