Chapter 2

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I feel dizzy. I have no sense of anything. I can't even tell if I'm breathing. I can't hear anything. Nothing. I feel like I AM nothing. Everything is so strange. What's happening? I feel like a am air.myou can't see me, can't, can hear me can't sense me at all. It's as if I don't exist. Why is this happenings? What is it? Before I have a chance at another thought or question, a huge, and I mean REALLY huge, gust of something much more powerful then wind whips at my body that was numb only moments ago. Now I'm just cold. I can feel everything, hear things but not see things.

As I am contemplating this, another surge of wind attacks me. This time I'm thrown backwards into black darkness. A pounding pain throbs in the back of my head. My mouth is open but I don't why. Why am I opening my mouth? I feel as if I've been shoved out of control, I can't so anything with m body. Except open my mouth. Why am I opening my mouth? What is happening? Why is everything so strange?

Another mighty blow of wind strikes me. I now know why my mouth is open. I'm screaming. I can hear it now. Quite but audible. I can't feel it though. It's as if the screams is almost coming from nowhere.

One final wave of wind penetrates me. I continue to shriek silently as the pain in my head gets worse. It's like a thousand wasps jabbing me with venomous stingers as large and as wide as newly sharpened pencils. It's as though they are cutting into me, destroying my thoughts. I'm losing myself. I can't hold on.

Slowly, painfully, I slip away into nothing. Nothing at all.

"Nooo!" I scream. I'm outside in my backyard. It's still dark so I'm assuming its dawn. I'm lying under the giant willow tree that stands off to the far corner of my yard. The branches look black from the darkness. I'm shaking violently and I'm frozen. How did I get out here? Wasn't I in my room? My room is on the third floor of my three story house. How did I get out here?

I peer around the semi-light yard. I can see the jagged edges of the top of the wooden fence. Tiny holes and indents decorate the fence, which is made of oak. It's an old fence, it matches the even older Victorian house I call home.

The house, my house is a light brown in the daylight. Right now, it's more of a black colour because of the faded night sky.

A light is on in one of the windows on the second floor. My parents room I'm assuming. Well, my PARENT. A slender figure glides across the illuminating glass. My mother, Maria.

She has dark brown hair that stretches past her shoulders. Her eyes are hazel, they're lined with gold, brown, blue and a little bit of green. My mother always smells like roses. Her whole body gives off the scent. She's as friendly as a rose too, with the occasional thorn.

I stare at the window awhile longer as I'm lost in my thoughts. Then I realize that I'm still outside, sitting on the cold, damp grass. The question pops out again, how did I get out here?

There's no way I sleep walk. I don't sleep walk. Never have and probably never will. My mother wouldn't have dragged me out here. I have no siblings so that's not even an option.

I get up and walk through the ankle-high grass as a chilly October wind ruffles my dirty blond hair.

The grass is cold and it tickles my pale, shoeless ankles. I look down at myself. I'm wearing my pyjamas. Plain brown sweat pants and an even plainer white t-shirt. Both of which, are beginning to get wet from the trickle of rain the pokes out of the unnoticeable black clouds. If I'm wearing pyjamas, I would have had to come outside sometime while I was sleeping. Maybe I had began to sleep walk. That's weird.

I continue towards my house but stop dead in my tracks as a loud crack of thunder erupts throughout the frigid air. Thunder scares me. I've never known why, I've just always had a phobia of thunderstorms.

I start again towards my house, picking up speed as the rain begins to pour harder. The sky lights up for a split second as lighting penetrates the darkness.

"Mom!" I cry through the air, hoping she'll hear me.

But she doesn't. I make it to the back deck, which is made of oak like the fence.its slippery and wet.

I slide towards the back door, tripping once and landing on my now-soaked pyjamas. I scramble to my feet and reach for the door. I grasp the silver handle and turn it. It doesn't open. I try again, and again, and again. But it won't budge.

"Mom!" I scream again as I pound on the glass.

I'm shivering like crazy. My hands are turning a light blue but I continue to pound my fists into the door.

After five minutes, I give up. I slump down onto the deck as angry and frustrated tears slip down my face. What is happening?


The sound comes from behind me, in the house. I turn around to face two bright, glowing blue eyes filled with humour. I scream and the figure laughs. I stare in horror for about a minute. Then it disappears.

And the door swings open.

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