Chapter 14

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I stare in shock. What on earth is he doing here? Why is he here. He should be...he should be far away. Far away in a mental facilitation. Or in a jail. For murder. For kidnapping. But instead, he stands before me, his greying brown hair glistening with sweat, his colour-changing eyes looking around frantically, his old chest heaving and panting. Before me, stands an insane criminal.

"So, darlin', what happened here?" He asks, gesturing to the bloody room and the corpses of the hospital staff that lay scattered around the room.

I open my mouth to speak, but pain takes a chokehold of my throat. A sharp burning sensation attacks me, causing me to be mute.

James smirks, "Kitties got ch'your tongue, eh pumpkin?"

A scowl sets across my lips. I stare at him, with annoyance, fear and a bit of hate. What does he want with me?

James stalks across the room to my bedside in three swift steps. He reaches a bony hand into the pocket of his tuxedo -the same one that he was wearing on the bus- and pulls out three tiny, salmon-coloured, oval shaped pills.

"Here, take these, doll face. They'll help your throat."

He drops them into my hand and looks at my face, waiting for a reaction. But I don't give him one. I just glare at him. He gives me a knowing look.

"C'mon, deary. I know you heard her story," He spits the word 'her', meaning Valerie, with so much hate that I think he's gonna kill me.

"You haven't listened to my side though. And believe me, dolly, you'll wanna hear it before jumpin' go any conclusions. Now take the pills, they'll help."

I look at him for a full minute. His eyes are set as a bright, illuminating green. They're eerie.

A sudden pain jolts my body to life, I try to scream but only a harsh gurgle comes out. I don't hesitate when I pop the pills into my mouth.

They taste vile, a mix of metal, urine and dirt. I gag as I force the small ovals down my inflamed throat. Once they are down, vomit rises into my mouth and a retch all over r hospital bed sheets. James looks at me with a blank stare.

"What...was that?" I whisper. My voice. My voice!

"That, my dear, was...somethin' that isn't right for your ears. You don't need to know."

I rub my eyes sit up, all the pain vanishing from my body. I feel as good as new. No, better. Minus the rotted taste of barf that sits in my mouth, tickling my taste buds.

I swing my legs from under the bile-stained sheets and stand on the floor. My feet make a squishing noise as I land in blood.

"Oh, god." I choke.

James extends his hand. "I can carry you, hon, but I'd rather not. Whatever gets you outta here..."

"I'm fine!" I growl, with undiscovered anger. I drop my gaze and frown.

I'm wearing white. All white. White jeans, white tee, white shoes. White everything. I look back up at James with wonder.

He just shrugs, "Hey, girlie. Don't look at me like that. I did not touch your clothing."

I nod a little. Where are my actual clothes? Why aren't I dressed in.... I dunno, normal hospital-patient clothing? A minty green gown?

I walk across the room, uncaring about the white shoes. James follows.

I gasp once the door is shut. Everything is bloody out here, as well. Dead bodies are strung up everywhere.

What happened?" I whisper.

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