Chapter 1~Meeting Him

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A/N-We are going to pretend the Cullens came to Forks a year before Bella did!


I woke up to a snowy January day. It is the first day of school after Christmas break. I get up and take a quick shower. I put on a pair of black leggings, a red and white sweater, and my black boots. ((In pic))Grabbing my new Vera Bradly backpack, i walk out the door without eating anything. I usually don't eat breakfast, seems pretty pointless to me. Dad must've left for work early. I stepped into me little blue Hyundai Accent and went to the glorious Forks High School.

Once I got to School, I went to my usual spot. First period was English, oh how I hate English. English and I just do not get along. I am more of a math person. I sat next to this girl Jessica who I consider a friend. She starts going on and on about her Christmas break and the diamond bracelet her parents got her and the ugly sweater her grandma knitted. I honestly did not really care. What really caught my eye was the new people that came in the classroom. No one moves to Forks. Why would they?!

"Who are they?" I ask Jessica. She usually knows everything gossip related.

"They must be the Cullens. They just moved here from Alaska. I guess their dad is a Doctor and got a job at the hospital."

"But who would want to move to Forks?"

"That's what I'm saying. They sure are nice to look at though."

Jessica went on to talk about how beautiful these people are. They really are beautiful though. A pale guy with bronze hair and a girl with long blond hair sat down a couple rows away from Jess and I. I couldn't get over hoe pale they are. After English ended, I headed to Calculus. I am a Sophomore, but I am in Junior level math. I love math and I am good at it. When I walk in I sit down at my usual table in the front row. A buff guy with dark hair walks in the classroom and I know he has to be a Cullen. Each table seats two people and the seat next to me was the only seat left, so this Cullen sat next to me.

"Hi. My name is Emmett." The beautiful stranger told me.

"I'm Dylan."

"Are you a Junior too?"

"No, I am a Sophomore. I guess I'm just good at math."

"I'm a junior and I am horrible at math. Maybe you can help me sometime after class."

OMG Is this happening?!?!?!

"Umm, sure." I tell Emmett, trying to hide my excitement.

"Let me see your schedule. I want to see if we have anything else together."

"Oh, it looks like we have study hall together last period." I noticed after looking at both schedules side-by-side. The rest of math class went on and Emmett and I kept talking in between taking notes. This guy is seriously amazing. This might sound crazy, but I think I am falling for a guy I just met.

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