Chapter 12~Saving a Life

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My stomach dropped. How is she gone?! Where did she go? I KNEW she wasn't talking to her mom back at the hotel. I bet it was James. What are we going to do?! We waited for the others to get off the plane and we rushed as fast as we could to the ballet studio Alice saw in her vision. When we got there, Edward was already there fighting with James and Bella was on the floor. I recognized the double crescent shapes on her wrist. She had been bit. There was blood everywhere and I could hardly stand it. I had to walk away. It felt horrible to turn my back on her in a time of need, but I could not handle it. I would have killed my sister.

As I watched from a distance, I saw Edward bend down and put his mouth over where she had been bit. What the hell was he doing?! I hurry and ran up.

"He's sucking out the venom." Carlisle told me as he obviously could see I was concerned.

Meanwhile, Emmett and Jasper had James and they were tearing him apart piece by piece and throwing the pieces in the large fire they built. They were killing James.

Once everyone was done doing what they needed to do to take care of the situation, we all left. Bella needed to go to a hospital immediately. I had the task of calling our dad and her mom to tell them that she was in a coma in the hospital. Dad was frantic and said he would be on the first plane down to Phoenix. Bella's mom told me she was on her way back to Arizona anyway and she told go straight to the hospital.

James is dead. Bella is alive. All is good. Well....kinda.

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