Chapter 3: Looking Around

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She took off her shoes and put on her slippers, so she wouldn't be heard walking down the hall. She stood in front of room 206 and saw light coming from under the door, then she put her ear to that door and heard people talking. She stepped back from the door, quickly, and then she thought that she should play it cool and looked at the door next to that one to see if she would see if light was coming from under that door, but there wasn't any. She gave that door a little knock, and then a quick tap, to see if someone would come to the door. Since no one came to the door, she used the hairpin in her hair and stuck it in the door lock and shook it a little bit and there was a click sound. She turned the door handle and pushed the door open, when she first entered the room, there was a musty smell and it seemed as though no one occupied this room for years. She turned on the light switch, but the light didn't come on. She went over to the windows to push back the curtains and a spiderweb passed by her eyebrow. She looked around the room trying to see as much as she could, but it was really dark. She put her ear by the wall that was shared between the room she was in, and room 206. She heard the strange sounds, once again, and then everything became quiet. She heard the door handle turning on her door and the door opening slowly, so she quickly ran and hid under the bed then she saw someone with a pair of beat-up rubber boots pass in front of the bed. It was so dusty under the bed that she felt the urge to sneeze, but she quickly put her hand up to her mouth, and held her nose, so as not to sneeze.The stranger left the room and Sabrina wonders, who that could have been. She came up from under the bed and checked the night table drawer, and came across a key with the initials J.B. on it. There was an index card next to it with the numbers #1126 written on it, she picked up both items and stuck it in her pocket. Then, she left the room, and then quietly closed the door behind her and quickly made it back to her room. When she got inside her room, she noticed that it was a mess, the chair was on the floor, the sheets were thrown off the bed, the pen and notepad that was on the table was thrown onto the floor, and she quickly looked in the closet to check on her suitcase of money, but it was GONE. She looked all over the room frantically, then she looked up and saw the bathroom door was slightly opened, and she walked hesitantly toward it and pushed it open slowly, and turned on the light and saw, what it seemed to be, blood on the side of the bathtub and then she looked up at the bathroom mirror, and saw the words written in blood, GET OUT! She put her hand over her mouth and let out a gasp. She backed out of the bathroom and picked up the phone to call the clerk, but the phone kept ringing, and no one answered. She ran out of her room, and then down the hall, and ran down the stairs calling the clerk's name over and over, and looking behind the reception desk and all around that 1st floor, what found no one. When she went back to the check-in desk, she noticed the guest registry, and it had a Mr. Williams registered for room 205, but that's the room she was in, and it was filled with dust and spiderwebs because no one had been in it for a long time, so why does it say that Mr. Williams just checked-in? She found gloves in one of the drawers and it seemed to have blood on it, she left the gloves in the drawer, and slammed the drawer closed. She picked up the phone on the desk to call 911, but there was no dial tone, she heard a noise, all of a sudden, and thought maybe it was someone that she can get help from, but the noises were too loud, and eerie-like, so she proceeded with caution. She came from behind the desk and ran down the hall, and all the lights went out. She ran back to her room and tried turning on the lights, but they didn't work. She felt around in her closet to see if she felt a flashlight, but there weren't any. She was very scared, and she was whimpering saying to herself, "What am I going to do, what am I going to do." When suddenly, someone put their hand around her mouth and said, "What are you doing?" He took his hand away from her mouth and with a scared and confused look on her face, she said," Someone came to my room and stole my suitcase that I had my money in, and I'm just trying to find out what happened to it. I've looked all over this motel and I can't find the desk clerk or his son, or any residents. What are you doing in my room? He said, "I just came to this motel about an hour ago, and I was about to check-in when all of a sudden, the lights went out, and I haven't seen the desk clerk either."

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