Chapter 13: Three Months Later

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Zachary: I'm assuming you have not found her?

Penn: Father????

Zachary: Yes. I've just gotten released from prison. But that's not what's important right now. We had a deal. If you don't find and murder May- the journal gets destroyed.

Penn: Oh.

Zachary: Is she still alive?

Penn: How would I know? I've searched all over the country!

Zachary: As have I. May is nowhere to be found. Pity. I've failed my myself and I've failed your mother. Speaking of which, does she still reside in Alias?

Penn: My mother? No. She escaped to New York. Dad, don't worry- we tried. That's what matters.

Zachary: I'm destroying the journal tonight. Eight P.M. Say your goodbyes. As for your mother- I intend on finding her.

Penn: Okay. A deal's a deal... I guess. And good luck- I've heard that NY is huge!

Zachary: Oh I'll find her alright. Goodbye.


Penn: Houston, we have a problem.

May: What's wrong? Has your dad found our whereabouts?

Fawn: Gosh, no!Well- not yet. Remember how I made that deal with him?

May: If you don't murder me, you die?

Penn: Yea. He just asked about my mother. He's gonna try to find us. I plan on convincing him to cross the borders and file a missing person report. He'll give up his name, and BAM- the death penalty. We need this journal as proof though-

May: Should we print it now... or?

Penn: Yea. I can't trust my father.

May: I don't have a printer...

Penn: Okay, I'll do it.

May: So I guess this is it. Our last conversation.

Penn: Nothing left to remind us of Alias... But we will never forget.

May: Never?

Penn: Alias will prove to resurface in our memories. I'm sure of it.

May: As long as it's only in our head. I'm not sure I want to ever return...

Penn: I sure don't.

May: Well... Goodbye...

Penn: Goodbye. We have each other's numbers- we can still talk... right?

May: It won't be the same.

Penn: I know.

May: Goodbye.

Penn: Wait. We should be proud of ourselves.

May: Why?

Penn: We are the first people in history- in history- to escape out of Alias, and live to tell the tale.

May: Well, in that case- congratulations. Don't forget to print the journal.

Penn: I won't. Congratulations to you too. Let's explore the neighborhood? With Fawn and Kate?

Fawn: That sounds awesome!

Kate: We have so much to catch up on!

May: I'll text you guys as soon as I'm done with dinner.

Fawn: Okay, bye!

Kate: See you soon!

Kate and Fawn have logged out of the server, as of December 1st, 2013

Penn: May- wait. I... I want to ask you something. But on here.

May: Wait, I just got my Canadian number. It's 416-999-3443.

Penn: I'll text you, after I ask what I was going to ask you. It'll be more symbolic if I do it here.

May: Okay, Mr. Poetic. Ask away.

Penn: Remember when you said you'd love me no matter what?

May: Yea.

Penn: I'm going to assume that's still true. So, uh- May Oakla? I remember when we went out on our first date... and you said you hated it when guys asked girls this question over text but... Will you- Will you be my girlfriend?

May: Aww Penn... you're the cutest. Of course I will. But only if you'll be my boyfriend.

Penn: I love you May.

May: I love you, Penn.  

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