Chapter 1: We meet the characters

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Fawn's Intro: May and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. She's the nicest, most amusing and most considerate person I've ever met. She never liked commitment. But that all changed when Penn came along.

May's Intro: Your name is May Oakla. You think you are 14 years old, and can't really remember what happened to you last year. You're writing down your story. There's pretty much nothing you can say, you realize, except that your mom is a clerk at Stop Shop and that your father is in the capital, helping with Necessary Amnesia Procedure studies...This is complicated, you think to yourself. Really complicated. It's hard to explain; you'd pretty much have to be here, in the moment, to understand - but it's worth a shot... You can try to tell your story- for the greater good, Exactly one year ago, on September 17th, 2013, you got Amnesia. Not on accident. You didn't wake up clueless after a coma, and you didn't have a concussion. You got amnesia on purpose. You didn't try to kill yourself either; No. It's simply the law. Where you come from, begins the explanation, the government doesn't like anyone to have too much information and unnecessary knowledge. You bite your lip - and tell the audience that you get that you don't really need to remember what brand of cereal you liked when you were five - but it doesn't mean you don't shudder at the idea that a year's worth of memories leave your brains and - well, the government never really told any of you where they go - but you bet they're locked up somewhere safe. The idea still terrifies you, and you would love to be able to view them. Hold on - perhaps your audience is still confused, so you tell them a little more; although memories get erased, you all still know that you had a NAP; a "Necessary Amnesia Procedure". You wonder why no one forgets that, and wish you could find out, but you can't ask about those kind of things, it's confidential information kept from all civilians.

Sometimes, your friend Fawn feeds you information about last year. She's younger than you, so she still remembers what happened the year before. One year. That's all she has left. Then, it's NAP time. That's a bit of a civilian joke around here, you say, laughing some, then stopping suddenly, hopelessly lost thanks to your lack of memories... You wish you remembered the name of the town.... Then you could explain more of the story... But that's not important. In a few days, it's your turn to forget again. The thought is slightly terrifying. You remember your friend, Kate, who should have been helping you and Fawn write instead of you while you experience your NAP. You also remember that she isn't in the city right now. Kate will be back soon, you say. Before you go, you'll describe yourself, as best as you can. You struggle, stating again that you are 14... An apology follows; it just gets really hard to describe yourself, since you can't remember much. You've confessed almost everything that you recall. You guess you could explain how the whole Amnesia thing started. Think back to the year 2010, you sigh to yourself and attempt to recall the story of your city's past. 4 years ago, a citizen of Alias found out a lot of information about the capital. This person knew much more than what he let on to. When confronted about it, he said nothing. The city guards locked him in the prison, and demanded he told them what information he had. After the third refusal, Alias locked him up forever. A year after this incident, programmers in Alias City got to work to create a system that annually erases all dangerous content from citizens' brains. For the first two years, a tube, filled with a strong substance called Hyplomo would be injected into our ears, then another tube would be inserted into our nose. This would cause us to fall asleep and give the capitol access to our memories. When we woke up, we would not remember anything. Well, we would forget everything the government deleted. But that was a long process; it took up to three hours. As our technologies improved, the tubes got smaller, and so did the injections of Hyploma. Nowadays, a small needle, much like the one used for vaccines, is injected into the side of our arm, and we fall asleep for thirty minutes. An hour, tops. After we wake up we are very drowsy, and are directed home to rest. The process seems long and treacherous. However, after a while, everyone gets used to it. You finish softly, fading. Then you freeze - Someone's at the door.

May: You apologize briefly - that was your mother. She returned from her shift at Stop Shop. That means there are only ten minutes left before it's time for your N.A.P. You should probably get ready. You sigh, and reach for the clothes you had previously laid out, the night before. You put on your white tank top, that says "Dream" across the front, in big, black, glittery letters. For shorts, you decide on a pair of red shorts, and finally, you slip on some flip flops. You could've put on earrings, you admit, but they were always a pain to get on. Besides, it's not like you were trying to impress anyone during your NAP. You had asked Fawn to write for you while you are out. When Kate returns, the two will take turns writing.

Fawn: Hey there, I'm Fawn. May is out.. She left for the NAP'S an hour ago, and told me to write. I don't really know where to start - wow.There's just so much to tell. It would be a good idea to continue on with May's explanation, since she can't remember much. First off, we live in a town called Meonten Town. The capital is Alia. The government is very secure and protective. That all started when some people started sharing information about the city; it's a very private place. No one comes in, and few very seldom go out. The only way to get into Alia, or Allen Town, is to be born within their gates. I wonder why. I personally think your government is afraid - afraid that, eventually, secrets will get out. This civilization is the first, and possibly only place where cell phones and computers exist. The place is quite advanced for our time, and The Capitol would prefer to keep it that way. However, that is all I can say about the subject matter. I don't know if May said anything about me, but I will introduce myself anyway, just in case she didn't. My mother's name is Layla, and she works at Stop Shop, just like May's mother, Chrissy. My father's name is Alec, though I am not sure where he works. All my mother has ever told me is that he works for the NAP'S Association. That is all of the information I am given, but obviously, my mother knows much more. Our family is sort of protected, I guess. For starters, my mother had her memory revived, shortly after she met my dad and the two got married. She says I should feel really lucky that my family still remembers. However, I only have one more year... And then everything I know about my father will be gone. Unless he convinces the City Of Alias that I am not a threat. The preposterous idea is funny to think about. Imagine that? Me? A threat? I've kept quiet for my entire life. I turn 14 in five months. Should I be scared? I am not sure. May says everything will be alright. I hope so... forgetting will be hard on all of us. Mother doesn't want me to forget either. She's fighting hard for my memory, and doesn't want me to get Amnesia. Speaking of that, I wonder about May; how is she doing? I visited her house earlier, but her mother said she was asleep. I try not to bother May after her NAP. She is always really drowsy, and it's quite hard to make conversation. She will write later. As will I... However mother is calling now... it's time to go grocery shopping.

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