Epilogue: Six Years Later

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Penn's P.O.V- Our hands intertwined, and her eyes closed, I guided her clumsily through the half deserted streets. It was a Sunday, the month December. The 31st, to be exact. We were going to meet the new year in the cafe, as it was our tradition. I smiled, looking at her. I remembered how we came to be. Everything we'd gone through- the danger I put her in. But most of all, I remembered how she loved me despite everything that's happened. And this is why, I felt- tonight was perfect.

May's P.O.V- We walked silently, and I caught him looking at me. He's been pretty quiet. If I know him- which I do... He's thinking. I squeezed his hand, reassuringly, and leaning into his shoulder, kissed him softly on his cheek. Turning to look at me, he whispered... "I love you". Returning his words, I remembered how we met. As if fate had brought us together. Blessed- that's what we are. Blessed, because six years ago, I ran into a shy, charming boy, who caught my eye. Blessed, because I had found someone who understood me. Was it fate? Maybe. Maybe it was fate talking, when he used a Shakespearean pick up line, to enchant me. It had taken him some convincing... but somehow, we ended up sitting at that cafe in Alias, discussing Hamlet together. It was love at first sight. Some people don't believe in that- but I do. I've got my proof- He's walking right beside me.

Penn's P.O.V- I held open the door for her, and as we entered, the familiar smell of pumpkin lattes hit us. To my surprise, the cafe wasn't empty. It made me a bit nervous- I'd hoped this would be a private moment. Checking my watch, I saw it was 11:44 P.M. Hurriedly I found a table. As we sat, more and more couples strolled in. Hand in hand, smiling faces. I'd have to do it in front of them all. I shook the thought out of my mind. Don't think about it. Pretend it's a regular date. Now take a deep breath, and talk with her.

May's P.O.V.- He was definitely somewhere else tonight. Placing my hand on his shoulder, and hoped it comforted him. "You alright? You seem worried- anxious... Cheer up. It's 11:57- Three minutes until the new year- 2019!!!

Penn's P.O.V- Wow. The time flew by. You can do this. "Hey, uh- Let's go to the counter and order?" I pulled her up from the seat and led her to the front of the cafe. Taking another breath, I got down on my knee. People awkwardly attempted to make their way around us, and as they realized what was going on, stopped. Some pulled out their phones. Others gawked. "May Oakla. I remember how I pleaded that you joined me for lunch at the cafe. I remember how scared you were, that night- when I told you what my father intended for me to do. I remember how I tossed and turned. I remember- how with tears in your eyes, you told me that you loved me. You were scared to lose me, and I don't want that to ever happen again. So. May Oakla-" Pausing, I fumbled around trying to pull the ring out of my coat pocket. "So, May Oakla... Will you marry me?"

May's P.O.V- He pulled me from the chair, almost running to the counter. He's never been this eager to order. We'd always spend an hour just talking. Tonight was different though. Nearing the front of the cafe, he stopped abruptly, and began talking. Began confessing how much he'd loved me, from the very first time we met. His voice began to trail off, and he appeared to be searching for something in the pocket of his coat. Suddenly, he dropped onto one knee, and spoke the words I'd been longing to hear. "So, May Oakla... Will you marry me?"

Penn's P.O.V- I looked at her lovingly, as she momentarily forgot to speak. Applause erupted around us, but I only heard her voice whispering the words I'd been longing to hear. "Yes Penn. With all my heart- Yes." The clock struck midnight, and as the new year arrived, I got up, and kissing her lips, placed the ring onto her finger. It was a diamond. A small one- but I worked over time at my job... saved enough... and it all paid off tonight. It all paid off, because as our lips parted, there were tears in her eyes.

"I love you so much Penn Cathers."

"And I love you... May Cathers."

The End

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