Chapter 5: War and No Peace

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Kate: Hello??? May? Where are you? I've tried calling you repeatedly! Your mother isn't responding either!

Kate: May... I'm getting worried! Is everything okay?

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May: Kate! I am so sorry.... Penn and I were having a great time together and I guess I... I guess-

Kate: You forgot. May! How could you? How could you possibly forget- forget to message your best friend to tell her that you haven't been murdered by the delinquent's son.

May: Kate, It's not like that! I didn't forget. I could never forget about you- It's just...

Kate: Just what? If you "didn't forget" then what happened? What's your petty little excuse??

May: Penn and I lost track of time and by the time we both got home, it was midnight. I knew better than to be online at that time! My mother would have flipped out. She would've found this journal- and then what? It would have been all over. Everything.

Kate: You know what? Apology not accepted. If Penn means more to you than our friendship and this journal- you can forget it.

May: What do you mean? "Forget it"? You're going to end our friendship because I forgot to message you? Gosh Kate... It was a mistake. A simple mistake. I was tired, and the last thing on my mind was the journal.

Kate: You promised to message me. I was really worried. I was about to call the Alias Police!

May: What?? Kate... Are you stupid or something? I know you mean well- but do you know what would have happened if you called them?? We would have been sent to jail. This journal would have been burned... and I would have never been able to see Penn again.

Kate: Well if Penn means so much to you- Then why don't you write this journal with him??

May: No! Don't be ridiculous... Listen- I know I promised to message you. But you know how my parents are- I was lucky they even let me OUT. If they had found out how late I got home...

Kate: Well then maybe you're not mature enough to be let out. If I had promised YOU that I'd text you when I got home- I wouldn't be waltzing into my house at midnight! I would have been responsible. I wouldn't have spent the night staring at his "beautiful face", and I certainly would NOT have associated myself with a criminal's son. Calling me stupid for wanting to notify the police of your disappearance? Well you're stupid for breaking the law. You immature little-

May: Kate-

Kate: Just stop. I don't want to talk about it. Actually, I don't want to talk with you at all...

May: You're throwing away ten years of friendship because of something stupid, like this? Honestly!! One minute you're giving me advice on what to wear on my date- and the next you're bitching about how immature I am for going out, and coming home at an unruly time. I thought best friends were supposed to be respectful of each other's thoughts and actions?

Kate: Then maybe we're not best friends.

May: Maybe we're not. 

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