Friendship is Elementary

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                     I turned to see who it was. It was a tall man with dark curly hair, pale and hypnotic eyes that I also have. Could it be him? Could this actually be my father?

"You will never believe who the victim was," the mysterious man said completely ignoring my existence.

"Was it per-chance Irene Adler's?" John asked with fake confusion in his voice

"It was, how did you?" the man asked squinting his eyes.

John looked at me and I raised my eyebrows then he looked back at the man, who I am 90% sure by this point in the conversation is my father, and he still had a look of confusion "What? I don't get it. Did I miss something?" John and I looked at each other once more

"Well, come on, spit it out! What is it?"

John looked back at him "Well you kind of are missing some information that we all think is quite important" I nodded as I turned my head towards the man

"It's very important. Its information one should know"

He walked up to me with a serious face and looked down at me "Who are you?"

I put my hand on my chest "I was previously Cecily Rose Adler, but sadly that is not exactly the case anymore. Now I am Cecily Rose, Holmes." It was quite for a few minutes after I said that "Are you still confused? Well, let me make it easier for you. I, Cecily, am your daughter. Simple enough?" I asked looking at him straight in the eyes as he nodded.

He stood there for a while, opened his mouth as to say something then closed it. He look his eyes off me and onto John who was waiting for someone to say something.

"John, may I speak to you for a moment?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen. John looked at him as he walked by.

"Um, yeah. Cecily, stay there." he demanded in a bit of a rush as he followed the tall man into the kitchen.

I looked around the room and nothing had caught my eye, it was just filled with papers and things uninteresting. I decided to go outside and perhaps count the cars. I opened the door and closed it after walked out, the sounds of John and the tall man's whispers soon disappearing. I walked down the stairs and once again opened yet another door, with this one leading to freedom. Like the last time I closed this one after I had exited and sat down on one of the steps that are in front of the door. I kicked my legs a bit as I looked around at my new surroundings. It wasn't an amazing view, but it was better than nothing I suppose. I looked up at the moon and all the friends surrounding him. I find it so strange that all these little shimmers of light are actually millions of suns that shine their faces on their own family of planets, possibly with their own moons. I always wanted to visit the moon, the friend who has been there by my side every day when the other children have excluded me, or when things like today happen. Some may think its creepy to think of something like the moon is looking down at you, but the moon for me is what a blanket or a teddy bear is to any other child, a reassuring part of your life that is there no matter what happens. As I was trying to look for a constellation, I heard rustling from the nearby corner. As a mix of adrenaline and curiosity ran through me I stood up and walked toward it. Was it a cat? A dog? Perhaps even a drunken man, who knows at this point? As I approached the corner I came face to face with a boy about my age, or at least he looked it even though he was slightly taller.

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow "Who are you?" I asked confused, considering he was by himself at the late hours of the night.

"I'm Aiden" he said with a smile as he put his hand out "who are you?"

I looked at him still confused and a bit creeped out by his enthusiasm, but still shook his hand "Nice to meet you Aiden, I'm Cecily" I said then pulled my hand away. "Why are you out here so late?" I asked looking around a bit.

"Well I could be asking you the same question Cecily," he said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, you could, but I asked you first." I replayed, a bit annoyed, but I didn't want to scare away a potential new and possibly first real friend with my rudeness.

"Well, I'm visiting here. So, I decided to take a walk" he said normally

"Oh, interesting." I replied with a nod, still very confused.

"Isn't it?" he asked rhetorically

He was an odd boy, he didn't seem to be affected or show any change in his expression because of this horribly uncomfortable conversation. Does he have some sort of social disorder?

"Well I don't actually believe that it is very interesting. I was just saying that to have an answer to your, quite frankly, uninteresting statement." I answered as I put my hands behind my back.

He looked at me, then began to laugh. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow out of absolute confusion.

"I don't understand, did I say something funny?" I asked

"No, just forget it" he said shaking his head. I began to get frustrated, I don't like not knowing things.

"No." I protested, "Tell me, I would like to know" I said trying to pry it from him. Instead of telling me what the source of his cackling was, he just smiled at me. I moved back a bit, confused yet again.

"What?" I asked harshly.

"I have a great idea" he said, continuing to smile.

"It probably isn't a great idea, most likely mediocre, but go on" I nodded.

"We should be friends" he said excitedly.

"Friends?" I asked, not very used to this invitation. I never really had, friends.

"Friends. Best Friends maybe?" he said extending his hand out.

"Sure." I said hesitantly shaking his hand, with a slight smile.

"Fantastic." He said with a wide grin. I smiled back at him, happy about my first friend. As I was about to speak to him more, I heard the distant sound of John yelling my name. I turned and looked at the door, then looked back at Aiden.

"I have to go." I said, a bit disappointed.

"I'll see you again sometime." He said, still smiling that same smile. He walked passed me, putting his hands in his pockets. I sighed and walked up to the door. Before opening it I looked back, but the boy mysteriously just disappeared. I walked back down, ignoring the calls of my name, and walked down in that direction. After a few steps, I heard this strange swooshing noise. It was almost indescribable. I walked towards it and ended up walking into an alley, where I saw a fading, old police box. Almost like it was going in and out of existence. I stepped backwards out of the alley, with a gasp. I stopped and felt a strong pressure on my arm. I looked over and saw a hand grasping onto me, making me scream and kick. I looked up and calmed down, realizing it was John. Feeling like an absolute dunce, I stood straight up and looked up at him

"Why would you do that?" I snapped at him.

"I told you not to move" he snapped back

"I got bored, you can't keep me in there!" I protested. "That's child abuse!"

He rolled his eyes "Just," he took a deep breath "don't do that again."

I looked up at him, then looked back into the alley "John I think that I may have post-traumatic stress disorder."

"Why do you say that?" he asked, looking into the alley as well, confused.

"I'm hallucinating, I've gone mad!" I said

He rolled his eyes "Let's just get back home and sort everything out there" he said, starting to walk toward the flat. I nodded and followed, occasionally looking back before entering 221B once again.

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