The interrogation

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"Ryan! Be quiet!" Natalie said shushing me. I sobbed louder. "Ryan! Stop, their going to hear you!" Natalie covered my mouth with her hand. She pulled me up towards her and my sobs turned to sniffles and we walked towards the living room window. Natalie barely pulled the side of the blanket covering the window to look outside. "Did you hear that?" the black haired leader said walking back and forth on the sidewalk to his partner standing behind him. They circled around quickly and looked towards the window aiming their guns. "It's not safe for me to go in, if I get hurt the mission fails and all of our kind will pay the consequences. You got this on your own Jake." the leader said backing up towards the military looking truck and getting inside. The soldier named Jake walked towards the front door lifting up his gun off the ground. "Quick, let's go to my room upstairs!" I grabbed Natalie's arm and ran through the living room and up the stairs.

Once we were down the yellow wallpapered hallway covered with pictures of my family we ran past my parents room to my room at the very end. I closed the door behind us quietly. My parents didn't believe in privacy so no room in the house had a lock. Under my bed was a red aluminum baseball bat from the years I played baseball as a child. I reached my arm under the bed and felt around for the bat and pulled it into my reach. The doorknob on the front door downstairs sounded like is was being jiggled and shook. I looked at Natalie standing by my bed and stood up fast trying not to make a noise and pointed towards the closet door. I slowly tiptoed to the closet with Natalie in front of me. The door downstairs sounded like it was being hit with something but it wouldn't budge open. The soldier trying to get in yelled a curse word and yelled something to the leader in the truck.

When we made it inside our hiding spot in the dark closet the sound of glass shattering downstairs made us both jump. "I think he just broke in through the window!" Natalie whispered shakily. Dim light from the afternoon sun outside my bedroom window sifted through the slits in my closet door making lines of light shine on both of our faces. The noise of the soldiers footsteps got louder as he walked around downstairs to what sounded like the end of the steps. The warmth of Natalie's body standing next to me made me feel safe and wonder what would have happened to me already if I was alone. The soldier's boots creaked up the stairs until he was eventually at the end of the hallway. The sound of my parents wooden door creaked open and it sounded like the soldier started going through things and throwing stuff around inside their room. Once he stopped digging through their things the silence became very overwhelming. The wooden floorboard creaked every time he took a step closer to the door to my bedroom until my door suddenly busted open. Through the tiny lines in the closet door I could see his angry face. He looked very young, almost like a teenager. He didn't look like an alien at all, but then again I expected olive green skin and antennas for eyes. He looked almost familiar. He walked slowly towards the closet door. My grip on the handle of the bat became hard as I tensed up, being ready for him to break open the door and try to kill us.

He stood there in front of the door for a few seconds before pulling it open. Once I seen his face I knew exactly who it was. It wasn't an alien at all. It was Jake from my Biology class. I can't believe I didn't recognize his voice when I heard him outside. Rage completely filled his eyes and he tried to grab the bat out of my hand. "What are you doing?!" Natalie yelled. "Why are you on their side?!" I yelled pushing him off of me causing him to trip and crash to the ground. Natalie ran to the opposite side of the room beside my bedstand away from the chaos. He stood up off the ground and pulled a needle out of his pocket that resembled the one that we found in the soldier's bag on the kitchen table. "Don't fight it. It feels so much better once you have the shot!" he said widening his eyes running towards me full speed with the needle pointed towards my neck. I raised the bat and swung as hard as I could nailing him in the side of the head. I closed my eyes and dropped the bat towards the ground. "I didn't know what to d-" I looked at Natalie. "He is one of us? Why was he trying to kill us?" Natalie said looking towards my trembling body. "Nat.. I think...I..killed him.." tears started to fall down my face. Natalie ran towards his body and put two fingers on his neck and looked up at me, "He has a pulse Ryan! You didn't kill him!" The feeling of guilt left my body and I let out a sigh of relief. "We could use him Ryan." "What do you mean?" I asked confused. Natalie grinned at me "As intel. He can answer all of the questions we have!" I raised my eyebrows, "That's a great idea but what if he doesn't cooperate?" "Then I guess we will have to get it out of him." Natalie grabbed a pair of plyers from my dresser that I had to use for a biology project a couple nights ago. The idea was crazy but we were very curious and deserved to know what was happening around our small town.

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