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"L.A. is twenty miles from here but we have more of a chance of something happening there so we need to go somewhere not so big. "The beach is only five minutes away, my parents have a boat and a couple jet skis on the dock there." Jake swerved left towards the beach. All of the street lights were still out including the lights inside houses. Jake turned on his brights and looked In the rear view mirror, the fire miles away could still be visible. Natalie rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

Jake pulled the vehicle onto the docks on the sandy beach. 2 blue jet skis and a small white speed boat floated in the water. Every time a wave crashed against the shore the jet skis knocked into the wooden dock. No one ever usually came to this beach being that grass covered most of the sand. Jake hopped out onto the sand and Natalie and I followed. "Hurry up guys!" Jake ran towards the dock. "How are we going to do this? Are we going to all ride on the boat or use the jet skis?" I asked. "I mean two people can ride on one and another person by theirself on the other." the wind blew Natalie's hair across her face. "Let's just all ride on the boat." Jake pulled a key that was hidden in the glove department and started the boat. "Hop in." Jake yelled while me and Natalie jumped in a separate seat on each side of the boat. I leaned back in the seat while Jake sped the boat onto the moonlit ocean.

Salt water sprayed the side of my face as I looked up towards the starry sky. "Theres the big dipper!" I laughed and pointed it out in the sky. "That one looks like a horse." Natalie laughed and pointed out another group of stars. "I'm just glad we all made it out alive." I smiled at the both of them. "So where to now?" Jake turned around and looked at us from the driver's seat. "Let's see if our parents our still out there somewhere!" I shouted over the sound of the rumbling engine. Jake turned back around in his seat and drove forward. "Let's find the Cassiopeia" Natalie looked up to the sky. The stars looked beautiful around the full moon illuminating the ocean. "Ryan, that's moving! That's not a star!" she pointed straight above us.

A strange light was becoming more noticeable the further we drove. Jake shut off the headlights of the boat and shut off the engine. "GET DOWN! THEY'VE FOUND US!" Natalie's voice sounded shrill over a helicopter getting closer to the boat. Jake grabbed a gun from his holster and pointed it towards the helicopter. The military looking helicopter circled above us in the sky shining a bright circle of light down us. I looked over to Natalie but the light was too bright that I couldn't see her face. The light illuminated Natalie's light blonde hair blowing across her face. I shielded my eyes and looked up towards the camouflage flying vehicle. A loud noise came out of a megaphone from above, "There is absolutely no need to be frightened anymore! We are from the United States military. Drop your weapons and we'll get you out of here!" a man in a camouflage suit tossed a long ladder from the side of the helicopter. "We are running out of time grab ahold of the ladder! We have to go. I looked back at Jake and Natalie standing behind me. "You heard them! Come on!" I shouted. I grabbed ahold of the shaky ladder and climbed up towards the heli. Natalie grabbed ahold of the ladder and climbed towards the helicopter.

"Here, take my hand!" a man jumped out of the passenger seat wearing a helmet screamed. I grabbed ahold of his hand and he pulled me up to the seats in the back. I sat down and buckled up. He grabbed Natalie's and Jake's hand and them up. The military man slid the side door of the helicopter shut and sat back in the passenger seat. "We have to go help the others!" Natalie yelled. "Others?" the man driving the helicopter turned around. "Yes. There is hundreds of teenagers still at the football field!" Jake exclaimed. "There's no time to go back for them! The world is in complete chaos. All of the power has gone out. Millions of people have been slaughtered and killed." The man in the passenger seat looked back at us. "We are gathering as many people as we can to help fight with us to save humanity!" the soldier in the front said. The man in the driver's seat whispered something to the man in the passenger's seat. "Get rid of them." Black shaggy hair fell out of the man in the passenger's seats helmet. Right then I knew exactly who it was. He took off his helmet and pulled a gun out of his pocket. It was Clark. "NO PL-" Jake was cut off by a bullet that shot through his head. Blood sprayed the side of my face sending my heart straight to my stomach. He pointed the gun to Natalie and pulled the trigger. The gun made a clicking sound and fired a bullet into Natalie's chest and she fell to the metal floor of the heli. Before I could scream and bullet shot straight in between my eyes.

Cold sweat covered my entire body. Where was I? A strange smell similar to bleach filled my nostrils. My head rested on a silky white pillow and warm sheets covered my body sending chills up my spine. I rolled over to my side to the feeling of something sticking to my arm. I looked under the white sheets to see an IV sticking out of my arm. I grabbed the long tube hooked up to a machine and ripped it out of my skin causing blood to slowly drip down my arm. I looked around the all white empty room other than a bed and a stand next to it. "Has the patient still been having these recurring hallucinations?" a man with a low voice asked. "Ever since the accident he has spiraled out of control, it's like he's a completely different person." a woman with a very familiar voice replied.

My feet hit the cold white tiles as I got out of the bed. I looked down to notice a white gown covered my entire body down past my knees. A door with a tinted glass window stood at the left side of the front of the room. I tiptoed my way over to it and peeked outside. A man and a woman stood inches away from the door. The man held a clipboard in his hand writing down what the woman was telling him. "Where am I?" I looked at both of them causing them to widen their eyes. "What are you doing out of your room? Who let you out?" the woman looked at me then at my arm and mouthed something to the man next to her. "What did you do with Jake and Natalie?!" I asked slowly stepping back. The man pulled a needle out of his pocket and ran towards me. I dodged the tip of the needle and booked it down the hallway. "JAKE! NATALIE!" I screamed their names after each time I passed a door. "Grab Patient 346! This is the third time standalone this week!" a walkie talkie went off.

I ran until I reached an elevator at the end of the hallway. I pressed the main floor button and waited until I was at the very bottom. Once the doors clicked open, the view of a huge desk stood in the center with chairs and couches surrounding it. It looked like a main lobby. A brown haired lady sitting at the desk on her computer looked up at me. "Do you have permission to be out of your room?" she stood up and walked towards me. The glass front doors were right before her desk. I ran past her to the doors and ran outside down. Dark gray clouds filled the entire sky not leaving a trace of the sun to be found. People that looked like doctors ran outside the doors after me. I tried to run but they were already too close. They grabbed my arms and legs and dragged me back towards the building. "GET OFF!" I wriggled and screamed. "There's no need to struggle, now is there dear?" a woman smiled shoving a needle into my arm causing my vision to start to blur. A huge cracked stone sign grabbed my attention at the corner of my eye. Tranquil Summit Mental Hospital. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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