Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Lucy's POV

I grabbed my toast with butter, jacket and bag, running out the door at lightning speed. As I ran, I checked my watch.

'Crap. It's already 7:55! Class starts at 8! I'm going to be late.'

I ran through the gates of FairyTail Academy, my glasses jumping up and down on my face and the strands of my sunshine yellow hair flailing out of my bun.

FairyTail Academy is a school for the elite. Only very rich, high class people can get in, but I got a scholarship that pays for my whole tuition.

Most people think that I'm a nerd because of my amazing grades and the way I dress, but little do they know that I'm actually Lulu, one of the most popular models in Magnolia. I'm undercover as a nerd because I want a normal life and if everyone knew I was Lulu, they would never treat me the same way.

As I ran through the halls to get to class, I saw Lisanna, Erza and Juvia walking the opposite way. When I passed them, Lisanna stuck her foot out, tripping me in the process. I looked up to see there faces, laughing with pure joy.

"She'd never get a boyfriend, let alone a friend, with that kind of outfit." Snickered Lisanna.

"What a loser!" Yelled Erza.

"Totally!" Answered Juvia.

Lisanna, Erza and Juvia were the three most popular girls in school. They tend to do things like what they just did to me. They're dating the three most popular guys in school, Natsu, Jellal and Gray.

The 'queen trio' left down the hall, laughing.

I stood to my feet and saw the tear on my skirt.

'Crap. My uniform's ripped and I'm going to be late for class.'

I picked my bag up and rushed down the hall to my first class, History.

When I walked into the classroom, the trio was there, at the back of the class smiling.

"Miss Heartfillia, you know you're not suppose to be late." Mrs.Strauss stood at the front of the class with her arms crossed.

"Sorry." Was all I could think to say.

I don't usually stand up for myself because that creates attention towards me and I don't want that.

She noticed the rip in my skirt.

"And you tore your uniform! You know you're only here because of your good grades. I wouldn't go destroying the things the school provides you. You will be staying after class for detention. Maybe cleaning the classroom will let you have time to think about your actions. Now get to your desk." Everyone was giggling, during her lecture, except Levy.

She's my only friend at this school and the only one who knows my real identity. I met her on the first day, this year, in the washroom, when I was eating lunch, alone, in one of the stalls. Ever since then, we've been best friends.

I took my seat and Mrs.Strauss went on with her lesson about World War II. About ten minutes in, the door swung open and Natsu came strolling in.

"Late again I see. That makes this the third time this week. I won't tolerate it. You'll be staying after school with Miss Heartfillia."

"Whatever." Natsu said, not caring.

He went and took his seat at the back of the classroom, beside Lisanna.


The bell rang, ending my second class, Science, and starting lunch. I found my way to Levy and I's usually eating place, out back in the football field. We liked it there because it was quiet and calm. Nobody went outside, unless they had gym or a club activity. We could talk freely out there and not have to worry about people overhearing our conversations.

"So how are your classes?" I asked Levy, trying to get a conversation going.

"All good. I'm thinking about trying for President of the student council. What do you think?" She asked.

"I think you should totally go for it!" I was very excited for her.

"Yeah....but I don't think anyone would vote for me. I mean, I am really unpopular and considered a nerd." She sounded quite sad.

"Don't think so negatively. I'm sure you would win. They should be honoured to have you as their Student Prez." I tried to cheer her up.

"I guess I'll try for it then." She sighed.

"Hurray!" I cheered, excitedly.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated. I checked it and saw a text from my agent. When I read it, it said:

You have a photoshoot tonight for Fiore's Hot and New Gossip. Don't be late because this is your only chance at such a big agency. It starts at 4:30. Don't be late!

- Kerry Armstrong

'Oh my god! I have detention tonight with Natsu! School only ends at 4 and then I have to clean the class. That will take 15 minutes at least and then add the time it will take to get there. The photoshoot is about 20 minutes away. I would never make it, even if I rushed!'

I told Levy my situation, but she couldn't do anything to help. Lunch came to a close and I had to get going to English.


English just finished and I grabbed my gym stuff for class. I headed off to gym three like I always do.

'Okay. One more class to go, Lucy. You're going to have to sprint to Mrs.Strauss's class and clean as fast as you can, if you want to make it to the shoot in time.'

I got changed and headed into the gym. We played volleyball today. Throughout the class, Lisanna, Erza and Juvia asked if they could go to the washroom for a second. No one found it strange, but I noticed something different. They were all smirking as they went into the change room.

After class I headed back into the change room to get dressed into my uniform. When I got to my spot, my uniform wasn't there.

'What happened to my uniform?! Mrs.Strauss is going to kill me if I don't show up in it!'

Then, I heard some giggles coming from the bathroom side of the change room. I walked over to find a bunch of girls standing around a toilet stall laughing. When I looked in, I saw my uniform inside the toilet, soaking wet.

I grabbed some paper towel and used it to pull my clothes out of the toilet.

"Ewwwwwww!" Yelled Juvia.

"That's disgusting!" Commented Erza.

"Watch out ladies, she might have some horrible disease now. You don't want to catch it." Joked Lisanna.

They all laughed and walked away.

There was nothing I could do about my soaking wet uniform because the bell was about to ring and I was in a rush, so I threw it in a plastic bag and ran all the way to Mrs.Strauss's classroom, in my gym clothes.

'Just how am I going to get to the photoshoot in time?'


What do you think? A good introduction to my story? Should I keep going? If so please comment or vote or even follow. That would make my day! (Or night at the moment)

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