Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Lucy's POV

'Just how the heck did he talk me into this?'

Natsu and I were standing in front of a retail worker, in a fancy dress shop.

"So what do you have in blue?" Natsu asked the lady, in deep thought, staring at me.

"We have many clothes. Just what kind of dress are you looking for?" The lady asked, towards me.

"We're looking for a long dress." Natsu answered.

"Okay. What size?"

"1 please." I spoke quietly, hoping Natsu wouldn't hear, but he did.

"Alright. I'll be right back with some dresses for you to try on."

The lady rushed away, her heels clicking each step she took.

"Why do I even need a dress?" I asked, completely annoyed at Natsu.

"Because. It's a fashion show. You have to have a dress." He tried to explain.

"But still. I have so many dresses it's crazy. I could just wear one of mine."

"You can't." He blurted, quickly.


"Because I'm having fun hanging out with you and I want to pick the dress!"

I blushed, intensely. The lady came back just in time for me to grab the dresses and head into the change room, without Natsu seeing my face.

I tried on the first dress. It was made out of silk and it was covered in sparkles.

I stepped out of the change room.

Natsu spun his finger around as if to cue me to spin. So I did.

"It doesn't look bad. But I don't think it really suits you."

"Alright. That's okay because I think I might gag from inhaling so many sparkles." I commented, walking back into the change room.

I tried on three other dresses until the very last one was on me. I could barely fit out the door, it was so puffy. I stumbled out to Natsu, a little embarrassed because this dress was way fancier than the others.

He looked up and turned a bright shade of pink, which made me blush too.

We both looked away from each other.

"Well I guess this one looks the best on you." He said, with his arm covering his face.

"Yeah." I muttered, trying not to look at him.

"I'll change back into my clothes so we can go buy it."

"Alright." He said, awkwardly.

I ran into the change room, trying my hardest to not look like I was rushing.

I took the dress off, but as I was putting pants on Natsu started talking to me.

"Can you pass me the dress and I will go hop in line to pay for it?"


I lifted the dress as high as I could, to get it over the door, but it was too puffy to fit between the ceiling and door. I kept trying to push it through anyway, now on my tippy toes. I leaned on the door for support, but it seemed that I didn't close it all the way when I went in to change. It swung open causing me to fall onto Natsu. I yelled out, and we hit the ground with a thud.

"Are you alright?" He asked, opening his eyes to see.

"Don't look!" I yelled, but it was too late.

He looked up to find me on top of him in just pants and a bra.

His face was completely flushed.

"I'm so sorr-!" He started to yell, but I had slapped him across the face.

I stood up, so happy that no one was around to see what just happened, and ran into the change room. I quickly through on my shirt and came out to find Natsu at the front of the store, sitting on a bench, almost curled up in a ball. He had the dress, already bought, in a bag.

I walked over to him noticing me.

"I'm so sorry!" Was the first thing he said.

"It's okay. Just forget it even happened." I looked away, blushing from the thought of the past event.

"Okay." He whimpered.

"Let's just get going. It's already 5:30 and the show starts at 6:00."

"Alright." He stood to his feet.

We found his bike and hopped on it.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"We have to go to my house first. My dad is probably worried sick as to where I am. And we still need to pick up Levy." I pushed aside the thoughts of my dad's reaction to me showing up on a motorcycle with a guy he had never met.

"You know my bike only fits two people. Right?"

"Yeah, I know. That's why we're going to borrow my dad's truck."

"Great." He said, sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"I get car sick really easily."

"What! You drive a motorcycle!"

"That's different."

"Whatever." I shook my head.

"Let's just get going so we're not late for the show."


'What am I going to do? If I go through with this, then everyone will know my secret. But if I don't, then little miss popular will never be taught a lesson.'

He hit the gas and we rode off to my house, just half an hour until the show.


I'm so sorry for not updating until now! I thought I would have time to write some more, but I didn't at all. I will post the next chapter ASAP. I hope you enjoyed the story so far!

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