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Maria stared blankly at the new Warden since the Arkham breakout. Who was a tall muscular guy with a buzz cut.

"I'm getting fired?" She said.

The Warden sighed. "If that's the way you see it, then yes."

Her eyes flashed as she tilted her head. "I've been here everyday on time. Put a report on your desk every evening, for the old Warden." She paused. "And since the Arkham breakout happened, seven staff members died. You need more people."

"More people." He agreed. "But more capable people who can hold their own. People who can be ready to fight back when the time comes. And you Ms. Gardner don't fit the bill. Have a nice day."

He looked down at his papers in clear dismal. Maria stood up and went to the door and paused. She turned around.

"You can't help patients with warriors Warden. You need doctors. So don't blame people like me when another breakout happens. It's your responsibility and your mistake."

She smiled at his angry expression. "Have a good day, Warden."

She then left and went out through the lobby. There was nothing in her office she wanted to keep, so she didn't linger around. After a three minute walk to the docking ramp, she hopped on the boat. Which took about ten minutes to reach the mainland.

She wrung her hands as she climbed out and slowly walked home. As she passed a couple of abandoned warehouses, she was surprised to see a very familiar lanky form.

"Aren't you supposed to be in hiding?" She asked.

He shook his head and stared at the gray sky for a moment. She was surprised to see him wearing glasses. "I prefer to come out at night, but now and then I go out in the day." Jonathan said.

"You make it sound like you're a bat."

He frowned. "Not a term I would use. I just prefer to torment Gotham at night."

She nodded subconsciously. "So why are you here?"

"To see how you're doing." He said simply. "And you're clearly upset and agitated at someone."

She shuffled her feet and also looked at the sky for a second. "I got fired."


She angrily shook her head. "That new Warden has no brain if he can think to run the asylum with only guards and strong men."

Jonathan looked at her curiously. "Who's the new Warden."

Maria rolled her eyes. "Lyle Bolton."

"Never heard of him."

"Supposedly worked for Wayne Enterprises before."

"Ah. So he had support from Mr. Wayne then."

"Must be." She agreed.

She glanced at him. "Where do you live?" She asked curiously. "Since you're basically on the run from the Batman."

He smirked. "Why do you want to know?"

She blushed. "I believe we are acquaintances and possibly friends. And friends visit each other."

"Not at my place." He said. "You won't like what you see."

"I want to know you, Jonathan. And if I change my mind after, feel free to kill me."

He looked startled. "Why would I kill you?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "It was just the first thing to come to mind."

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I won't kill you." He said finally.

"So I can see your place then?"

"Later tonight at eight, meet me here."


The rest of the day past slowly, and by the time the clock read 7:30, she started to walk to the abandoned warehouse. It took twelve minutes as she tried to walk slowly, but gave up as she sat on a nearby bench for the remainder nineteen minutes.

She shivered as a slight breeze came from the nearby docks. She wished for once that clouds didn't cover the night sky, wanting to see the constellations that she'd only heard of. To Gotham, stars were a thing in dreams. They were a symbol of hope, yet were always devoured by shadows.

"That's quite poetic." Jonathan said as he sat beside her.

She looked at him in surprise. "Did I say that aloud?"

He nodded slowly. "But it's true. Gotham has lost hope long ago. And I hold a crucial part in it. So take this as your last chance to back out. You're not going to like what you see, or hear."

Maria glared at him. "Stop treating me like a child. I've made my decision."

"And are you afraid of what you may see?"

"Yes." She said simply. "Of course I'm afraid. But I know how to conquer it little by little, and that's by facing whatever makes me afraid."

The look in his eyes was admiration. "Boldly spoken." He stood up and offered her a hand, which she took. He led her to a parked car behind the warehouse.

"No, I did not steal it." He said as he answered her searching gaze.

She just nodded and got in, careful not to get her brown leather coat caught in the door. Her hand tapped against her jean clad knee as they drove in silence until they reached the middle of the slums. Jonathan pulled a small remote out of his pocket and pressed a button. The building in front slowly opened a rusty garage door. Then they parked, and got out of the car.

Since the garage wasn't lit, when the garage door closed, she stuck close to Jonathan. She followed him up some stairs, and stopped when he stopped.

"Hope you're ready." He muttered.

Then he pushed a door open, letting an orange light blind her momentarily. She regained focus and took one step over the threshold.

And then she heard the screams. Full of pain, agony, and definitely fear.

>Cliffhanger, I'm so mean..
Who is Lyle Bolton? Hint: Lock-Up.
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