nulla "stereostypes"

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I guess I've never really stood out. I was just like everyone else- self conscious and sad, even if I did a good job of hiding it.

The only thing that separates me from some random student at my high school would be my hair. I always dye it a different color every month or two and keep it extra poofy all the time. I used to be self conscious about how my head looked all the time, so I just covered it up with really puffed up hair.

That was sort of my thing, I suppose. That's how people recognize me- the poofy rainbow haired smart girl who only had a few friends.

That was my label that everyone read.

Everyone one had a label. Whether it was classic stereotypes like "the nerd" and "the jock" and "the popular girl with a stunning body" or the odd ones like "that one mad kid that everyone avoids".

But, weird enough, that's not how I became a little more noticeable amongst the hundreds of kids that make me invisible for him.

He didn't see the label. He saw me.

And I feel like that's the first time someone didn't look at the book cover.


so if you haven't guessed already this is going to be a fanfic that ships simon (miniminter) and ashley marie (ashleymarieegaming) :)

and if my theories are right, im pretty sure at one point they were together. i can explain if you want but whatever lol

as usual, this isn't a true story this is an fanfiction hence the cheeky word fan before fiction so none of this is true it's just my imagination :)

ive never done a youtuberxyoutuber book before so bear with me pls xxx

i hope you guys are all excited about this as much as i am ive thought about this for so long

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