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As you can tell, I am currently editing each chapter. This is being done so I can actually write more. I'll be making these chapters longer, less fast paced. ALSO, you can probably tell i've changed the title, from 'Daddy's Girl' to 'Hunger.' And the older brother's name "Jack"  to "Adrián"

So if you're a first time reader, you may get confused if you read any further before all uploaded chapters are edited. This first edit will make the other chapters look confusing and off plot, though i'm not doing TOO many drastic changes, just a few to make the story flow more easily.

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c h a p t e r    0 1

"LUCIANA, THE CAR is leaving without you!" My mother's shrill tone shouts from down stairs, causing me to groan in response.

Slipping on my grey cardigan, I yell back. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Then yanking my door open.

"Took you long enough." My older brother, Adrián, grumbled with an annoyed expression. Rolling my eyes, I climb into the car.

Once Jack and I are sat, my mum whips her head over to the two of us. "Listen up, this is a very important dinner for your father. So please, do not fool around. I'm expecting the both of you to act poise and proper, backs straight, no phones." Bringing her hand out, she gestures to the two devices placed on mine and Adrián's lap.

Reluctantly, we both place them in the palm of her hand, to which she only nods. Turning around, a huff escapes her lips as she tugs the seatbelt over her small figure.

• • •

"Kids, please be nice to Mr. Styles tonight. No attitude from you-" My dad's finger points at me, and I put up a mock hurt expression, putting my hand over my heart while mouthing, "Me?".

He shows no expression. "Yes, mi dolor en el culo." Putting two fingers on the bridge of his straight nose, he sighs. "-If Mr. Styles asks you a question, you answer politely. Now, let's go." My father adds on, swiftly getting out of the vehicle.

Tilting my head up, I'm met with a rather fancy looking restaurant. My lips purse, and I feel a large hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards the front of the restaurant.

"Be nice." My dad murmurs to me, nodding his head then stepping away.

From the corner of my eye, I spot a tall figure coming towards us, causing me to turn my head. Eyes widening, my mouth slightly parts.

Am I drooling?


A man, which has to at least be 6'2, stands before us. Fair skin tone, sharp nose, rosy red lips. He stands straight, dressed in a white dress-shirt with black trousers, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, exposing his forearms. My eyes raking up and down, they settle on the emerald green eyes he has, staring back at me.

"Evening, Mr and Mrs Hernandez." His voice flows smoothly, deep and strong.

Still in a daze, I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance. My eyes flick over to my mother, noticing the tight lipped smile and narrowed eyes.

"Evening to you too, Mr. Styles. These are my children, Adrián and Luciana." My dad gestures his hand to us, a genuine smile on his aging face.

Mr. Styles' eyes wander over to my brother and I, lingering on me for a second. He reaches his arm out, shaking Adrián's hand first, before grabbing mine.

Soft squeezing, warmth slides up my arm, though quickly fades as he slips his hand away from mine.

Few minutes pass before we're all sat down, soft napkins placed on top of our laps. On a round table, I'm in between Adrián and Mr. Styles.

Drowning out the business conversation between my father and Mr. Styles, with my mother mocking a look of interest, I space out. My eyes glance around the fellow couples and families in the restaurant, seeing a cute boy from afar.

Feeling a hand brush against my thigh, my eyes widen a little, looking at Mr. Styles from the corner of my eye. I shake it off, not thinking too much into it, seeing as it was only a mere touch.

The next hour is filled with everything but laughter, business talk was getting old and I desperately wanted to kick off the heels I was wearing.

Mr. Styles' deep voice cuts into my thoughts, and I look over at him.

"So, Adrián and Luciana, what grade are you both in?" He asks, his brow slightly raised.

Just as I'm parting my mouth to speak, my brother gets to it before me. "I've just graduated, actually." Mr. Styles' nods, his entrancing eyes flicking over to me.

Remembering he asked a question, I snap out of the daze from looking into his eyes. "Uh, I'm in Grade 11." My voice comes out quiet, feeling nervous under his gaze.

His head nods once again, curls bouncing in the slightest. Fixated on his hair, I'm tempted to reach out and touch it, wanting to feel it run down my fingers.

I shake away the thoughts, looking in the opposite direction.

Few minutes pass before our dirty plates and utensils are taken away, then replaced with dessert. In front of me is a chocolate lava cake, served with a scoop of vanilla bean ice-cream and whipped cream. I grin, eagerly picking up my spoon and scooping some up, putting it in my mouth with a moan.

Mr. Styles hisses from beside me, and I look over at him curiously. Not saying anything, I shrug, turning my full attention back to the dessert.

Finishing up with the dinner, we all step outside. The cold night air nips at my exposed collarbones, my arms crossing over my chest.

Bidding our goodbyes, I give a hand out to Mr. Styles. He looks hesitant for a second, seeming like he's a little disappointed before he envelopes my hand in his, briefly shaking it.

"Have yourself a goodnight." His voice almost monotone, words mostly directed at me as we step away from each other. I nod in response, my eyes scanning over his face once more before I turn around.

My heels click against the pavement, walking alongside my mother. I glance behind me for a split second, noticing Mr. Styles' eyes still on me. Quickly looking straight ahead, heat burns my cheeks.

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Hope you all enjoyed, much love.

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