Lunch Time

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When I walked out of my office building, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I check my phone and sure enough, Adam had sent me a text
Finished yet?
I smiled at replied Yeah. He almost instantly replied.
Cool! You working 2morrow?
No, day off
Awesome I've made plans for a get together at the Floppdoo . Join us?
I'd be delighted
U made my day. I'll pick u up at 11
I turn off my phone and start walking home. My apartment  is just down the road,so I have no need to drive. When I arrive I pick out my best dress for tomorrow. I need to make a good first impression!
The next day...
I wake up at 9, have breakfast and brush my teeth. Then I change into my good dress and put on makeup to match. I start tearing out my closet to find a great pair of shoes and a handbag. It's amazing how you can't find the right pair when you need them. I heard my doorbell sound. "Just a minute!" I call while brushing my hair. It goes off multiple times until I open the door. Adam is standing there, still pressing the door bell, then he notices I'm there and throws his hands behind his back. He looks me up and down and smiles.
"You didn't have to get all dressed up," he laughs. I laugh along, but feel a little overdressed and embarrassed. He steps to the side and bows slightly.
"M' lady," he giggles. I chuckle as I follow the direction of his hand.
"Thank you, my good sir."
We both laugh along the hallway to the elevator. We get inside and I press the ground floor button. Elevator music starts to play and Adam shimmies along to the beat. I laugh and join him. When the elevator opens at the second floor, an elderly couple look at us as if we were insane. We just stop and giggle at each other. When we reach ground floor, I step out first. Or should I say, Adam pushed me out. We walk past the reception desk and I wave at my receptionist. She smiles, but takes one look at Adam and her mouth drops open. I was confused. I looked at Adam and he looked back. We both started laughing for no reason. We get to his car and he opens the door for me. I step in and he slams the door behind me. He gets in and starts up the engine. Along the way, Adam said " You'll love these guys, they are absolutely great."
I giggled "I'm sure they are."
We arrive at the cafe and he parked in the same spot as before. We step out and head inside. As soon as I step in, I heard talking and laughing from a group of young men in the corner. Adam started walking that way and I guessed I had to follow. When we arrive, Adam shouts at the table "Hey guys! I'm here!" The boys all turn with a smile on their face until they look at me. Their mouths drop open as they look me up and down. Adam looks at me and said "Take a seat." With a smile, I sat down next to Adam. He said to his friends "So this is the girl I was telling you about, (Y/.N)!" They look at me and smile, almost in sync. "Hi there!" The first guy to speak was the one with black hair. " I'm Jin. Nice to meet you!"
"I'm John." Said the guy that was bald. He had a really strong accent, but I couldn't tell where from.
"That's Ross." Said Adam, pointing to the last guy. He had glasses and brown, curly hair.
"Hello..." He said, nothing more, nothing less. I introduced myself to all of the boys and tried to be as friendly as possible. After a while of random chats, I saw Ross lean over to Jin and whisper something. I couldn't make out what it was, but I knew it was about me because Jin looked at me and nodded. Whatever it was, it didn't stop our weird conversation. That afternoon, these guys became my best friends.

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