A Gamer...

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"You know, SkyDoesMinecraft! A famous YouTuber, gamer and comedian? Ring any bells?" Adam kept waving his hands around, trying to make me see who he was, but I really had no idea. Who in this world is SkyDoesMinecraft!?

"I'm sorry, I don't know."

"SkyDoesMinecraft, Jinbop, House Owner and ThatGuyBarney!? The dynamic, enthusiastic bunch... and Ross." He went around the room, pointing out who is who. So Jin is Jinbop, John is ThatGuyBarney and Ross is House_Owner. These must be gamer names, known by all, except me.

"By the way, what's Minecraft?" I asked. Adam looked at me and sighed, holding his hand to his head. He turned away and started walking in the direction of a doorway. Ross hurried after him and stopped him in his tracks. He started talking, but I couldn't understand him. After Ross' speech, Adam looked at me and came back to where the rest of us were standing.

"I'll show you..." he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to a large office. Inside was a was a desk, chair, a computer and a great big camera, facing the chair. I sat down as Adam started turning on the computer. He logged on and clicked on a program. He signed in and got into what looked like a game. "This is Minecraft." He smiled. "An online, sandbox game where you can build whatever you want!" He clicked on a button and the game started. He told me how to move, dig and build. I started to play and got really into it. He told me to build a house and he left with the boys. I stared at the screen as I heard the door shut. 

This is going to be fun

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Remember Me? (Skydoesminecraft x Reader) //COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now