Finding Out the Truth

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When my eyes opened everyone was back inside including my kin.

Kiba’s head was in my lap and he was asleep.

Most people were asleep.

From the pattern of Neji’s breathing I knew he was awake.

A thought occurred to me.

“Neji?” I whispered.

“Yes Darci?” Neji asked.

“Can you come with me somewhere? I don’t want to wake anyone and I need to check this out before we leave” I said.

“Sure. There is nothing better to do” Neji said.

“Thanks. First we need to get Kiba off me” I said.

Gently lifting Kiba’s head off my lap I managed to get on the other side.

“Can you please hand me a pillow?” I asked Neji.

He grabbed the closet one and I put it under Kiba’s head before setting it on the pillow.

I stood up and I saw Hitomi was awake.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’ll tell you when we get back. Please don’t tell them right away and don’t follow us.” I told her.

Hitomi nodded before she closed her eyes.

When she was asleep I lead Neji to the castle.

“Why are we here?” Neji asked as I walked into the library.

“I need to check something out” I said as I ran over to the family tree book.

I opened it and found my mums name.

“What are you doing?” Neji asked as he stopped beside me.

“When I fought Sasori he said Orochimaru wasn’t my dad. Kabuto then faltered when I told him Sasori said her wasn’t my father. Kabuto asked where Sasori was” I explained as I traced the line to Shi and Rin.

What struck me as odd is the name Kana.

It had ‘deceased’ underneath it as well.

Another line caught my eye.

I followed it and found the name Mika.

Another line led me to…

“Kakashi?” I gasped.

“What is it Darci?” Neji asked as I started to shake.

I followed the joint line down.

‘Darci or Reika-missing’

“Sasori…was right” I said as I stepped back.

“Darci, what is it?” Neji asked as he caught me before I fell to the ground.

“This can’t be happening” I muttered my eyes wide.

“So Orochimaru isn’t your father. Isn’t this a good thing?” Neji asked as we sank to the floor.

“no. it means I have been lied to my whole life Neji. My dad isn’t who I thought he was. My mum wasn’t either. I just found out my whole life was a lie. I came here to find out who I was, and it turns out I made one up” I said as a few tears fell from my eyes.

“Then who are your real parents?” Neji asked.

“Mika Yuex and Kakashi Hatake.” I said staring straight at Neji.

Who is He Really? *Sequel to 'Who Cares if I'm Orochimaru's Daughter'* {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now