Setting the Plan in Motion

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"Where the fuck were you, you bitch?" Hidan asked once I appeared.

"Doesn't concern you Moron" I snapped back. Ignoring the rest of the Akatsuki, I walked to my room and pulled something out from under my bed.

"I know you never said to use these Itachi but I have no choice now. I have to avenge you, even at the risk of my own life" I whispered.

"Darci? You in here?" Konan asked.

"Yeah" Darci answered shoving the box underneath her bed again.

"Where have you been?" Konan asked.

"With Tobi" I replied simply.

"How did that go?" Konan questioned.

"How it normally does. I'd like to be alone right now Konan" I said looking away. Konan set a hand in my shoulder before I heard her leave. Grabbing the box out again, I strapped them to my back, strapping the Yin and Yang swords at my hips. Packing the necessary equipment I needed, I walked to leaders office.

"Are you going somewhere Darci?" Leader asked.

"Yeah, I am actually. I need to do a couple of things. I'll be back when I'm done" I told leader before I left his office and the base entirely.

"First stop, Kenji, second stop, Hokage office, third stop, where ever HE IS" I muttered to myself as I started jumping through the trees.

When I arrived at the mountain top I could smell tea. I smirked. It was the same tea that Kenji had tried to poison me with when I first met her.

"Kenji?" I asked as I walked in.

"Darci! What are you doing back so soon?" Kenji asked as she set her tea down and walked over to me. I smiled.

"I just wanted to let you know that I have a few dangerous missions coming up and I just wanted to let you know. And I might not be back for a while." Darci explained. Kenji nodded and hugged me. Hugging her back, I thought of Kakashi and of Kiba. I knew he hadn't forgiven me.

"I have to go now" I said pulling back. Kenji nodded.

"Be careful" she warned. I cracked a grin before I left. I ran down the hill and to the leaf village. I stood at the gates, unsure whether I should go in or not. I decided not to. I turned and was about to walk away when I felt two chakra signatures. Both familiar. I turned.

Shino" I greeted as I looked to him.

"Are you not coming in?" Shino asked, his tone flat like it always was.

"I have something important to do" I said. Shino stepped forward and held something out for me. I took it with a frown. A brief smile appeared when I saw it. It was a picture of myself and everyone else. Including the sensei's. 

"Thank you Shino" I said. He nodded before he waked closer to me.

"I know you will make the right choice. In the end you will return, whether you do it soon or in 20 years." Shino said. I was a little shocked at his words. I don't think I have ever heard him say this much.

"You belong in the leaf Darci. Everyone can see that. Even Lady Tsunade and Kiba. It is pretty obvious that you need to handle a few things first. And you will. Lady Tsunade is also stumped that your body can take so much abuse and not be harmed" Shino said. I smirked. I was wondering when this would come up.

"It is pretty mysterious huh? Tell Tsunade, that she will find out soon enough. You all will. Now, if you don't mind. I must go find someone" I said. Shino nodded before he walked away. I turned my back on the leaf village before I jumped into the trees. I didn't want to risk running into anyone else.

Looking at the entrance, I felt the odd sense of home. I knew it was only because I grew up here. I walked inside and felt four chakra signatures. I frowned. I hid mine. 'He could be at another base' I thought. Walking deeper into the base I found the room where they were resting. I kicked it open.

When I walked in I saw that all four were in stances, ready to fight the intruder. I looked at them all. Sasuke last.

"Juugo, Suigetsu, Karin" I greeted. I said Karin's name with disgust. She annoyed me. I could tell the instant that I saw her that she was another one of Sasuke's fangirls.

"Why are you here?" Sasuke asked standing up straight.

"Better question: Where is Orochimaru?" I demanded. I was going to be on offense, not defence. Sasuke smirked.

"Gone" Sasuke replied. I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean gone?" I asked unsheathing the sword of Yin. Sasuke looked at it warily.

"He tried to take over my body. He lost" Sasuke explained. I clenched my jaw and nodded.

"Well, it saves me from breaking the news. But what you did was not OK. Granted neither was what he was going to do" I said. It was hard to take sides.

"Why are you here?" Karin asked stepping in front of Sasuke. I made a sound of disgust.

"I am not talking to you. Now go away" I said before I pushed past her and stood in front of Sasuke.

"What are you planning now?" I demanded. Karin spluttered.

"Are you going to tell her Sasuke?" Suigetsu asked. His tone indicated he didnt really care, he was just curious. Sasuke ignored him.

"We have an alliance with the Akatsuki" Sasuke said. I clenched my jaw again.

"Rounding up tailed beasts? Since when do you take orders?" I asked. I wanted to provoke him. I was angry and I needed to let it out. I knew Sasuke probably wasn't the best person to provoke, but I didn't care at this point in time.

"I am not going to fight you Darci. So don't even try. Why don't you run off to the leaf village? Wait, you can't, can you? You betrayed them" Sasuke smirked. Now he was provoking me. I refused to play into his little game. I stood up straight and turned, flicking my hair over my shoulder, making it hit Sasuke in the face.

"Until we meet again Sasuke" I said before I ran out of there. I knew Sasuke wouldn't send the others after me. He knew I was too strong for that. I took a deep breath and ran as far as I could. When I knew I was far enough I stopped and thought.

'Who is there left that I can trust?' I thought. I then scowled.

"No one. The leaf hate me. Orochimaru is gone. The Akatsuki is under the influence of Madara and Itachi, Dei and Sasori are gone. Rin and Shi are not my immediate kin" I said aloud. I growled in frustration before and idea occurred to me.

"There is one place that I can welcome" I said before I turned and started heading to the Sand village. I knew they would help me. They swore they would. They owe me.

Who is He Really? *Sequel to 'Who Cares if I'm Orochimaru's Daughter'* {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now