When the shock wears off

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(2 days later at 10:30 PM)

I just arrived at the party wearing a short black dress and a pair of ballet flats, on the outside it didn't look like anything was happening but when i got inside i could barely hear myself think. I walked around for about 5 minutes looking around exchanging smiles with some of the people but mostly trying to keep to myself, eventually I had made it to what looked like the kitchen and leaned up against the counter, on one side of me was a couple making out and on my other was one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. He looked a lot like Dylan surprisingly. All of a sudden I found myself in a day dream, I don't know how long I was day dreaming for but I was literately snapped out of it when he hit my arm and told me that some girls were looking for me. After he told me I start to walk around the party with a red solo cup in my hand, when out of no where Olivia comes up to me and starts to squeeze me to death. After our long, and slightly painful hug, a couple of other girls come up, of whom I don't recognize, and she introduces them as the tall brunette named Lenore and a tall blonde named Ashley. After we were all introduced we continue to talk and drink, well they did but I did't. After awhile I started to get bored so I said good bye to them all and head out to my car, which in my point of view, is super small. When I got inside my car and turned it on to warm up there was a note in front of my speedometer, I looked at it for a moment and then grabbing it, partially in fear, I read it to myself, and was surprised when it talked about all the holes in my family's story about where I'm from and all the stuff that you don't want to hear. I read it multiple times, not believing what it was saying, it didn't say who it was from or anything like that which made it suspicious. On my drive home I kept thinking about the note, and my family, and all the deaths, and I started to put the pieces together. To myself I said that I had to get out of here, to protect everyone. When I got home everyone was asleep, so I went to my room and fell asleep in my clothes. When I woke up the house was silent, and dark, I rolled over to look at my alarm clock to see that it was five in the morning. Groaning, I roll out of bed and go to the bathroom to take a shower, like every morning and I do the same thing I do every morning. At school though, everything was a little off, no one was talking to each other but they were whispering and staring, at me. I was going to ask Dylan what everyone was whispering about, but, he wasn't at school, which was even more odd. The day slowly went on and people kept whispering, and eventually I got so tired of it that I just up and left the school.  I went, what looked like an abandoned building, and just went inside and sat down on the old wood floor. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw the outlines of a desk and a chandelier. I sat there and lost track of time and when I came out it was dark so I walked home and saw everybody sitting in the living room watching Frozen so I went up to my room and fell asleep.

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