When the past comes back

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(2 months later)

This is the longest place I have stayed without anyone dying and I hang out with Dylan a lot more now, and I am ahead of everyone in school. After school I am able to take a car drive to walmart and work until two in the morning and make money that I can spend on my own and no one take it away from me. This morning at work though was different from all the rest. I was checking this persons items out asking how they were and what they were doing here so early, the usual, but when someone from the school I went to when I was living with my grandparents came up to the register and recognized me. Her name was Olivia, Olivia Rose Brokemeir and what I remember of her was horrid she was my bully and the reason for the scars on my wrists. She walked up looking at her phone texting someone and when she looked it she realized it was me.

" Leena?" she said

I looked at her, putting a fake smile on my face saying "Olivia! How are you? It's been awhile since we've seen each other."

"no shit sherlock" she said as she rolled her eyes

While I was still checking her stuff out, which consisted of clothes and make up and shoes, we talked and i asked how things were back there and she told me that there have been mysterious deaths of guys lately. When we were all finished she gave me her number and told me to text her to talk to her more, like I was going to even think about talking to the person who made my life a living hell. 3 hours later when i had finally got off work I went home and texted Olivia, i don't know why but I just did, maybe because I am going insane. Almost right after I had sent the text my phone beeped, i looked and it was from her i groaned and looked at the text asking me if I wanted to go to a party this weekend. After about 5 minutes of staring at the text I finally answer back saying that I would have nothing to wear and that I wouldn't have anyone to talk to. I start to study for my test when I hear my phone beep again, when I look its not from Olivia, its from Dylan. I smile to myself looking at the text and I'm suprised when it says don't go to the party. When I first saw the text I was a little shocked and didn't know what to say so I texted him back a question mark. I went back to my books when my phone beeped again, and then again. When I looked at my phone one text was from Dylan and another from Olivia. I looked at the one from Dylan first to satisfy my curiosity and what it said shocked me, it said that he has been following me my whole life and been to every school. I read it over and over again not believing that I've possibly known him my whole life. When I got over the shock I texted back asking who he really was, then I looked at the text from Olivia which had the address and what time the party starts. For hours I didn't get a text from Dylan again so I told myself I was going to the party no matter what he had said and that I was going to have a good time.

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