A place I can call my own.

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I was woken up early that morning to the sound of something being thrown at my window. I slowly walked to my window to see Dylan standing there, was a blue rose, my favorite flower. Almost as soon as I went back inside to go back to sleep to ignore Dylan my phone started to buzz, I knew it was Dylan so I didn't pick up, and I went back to sleep. The next morning I was woken up by my alarm clock like usual and when I got to school, something seemed a bit off. After a couple of periods I had finally noticed what is was. Dylan wasn't here.  Once school had ended I finally texted him asking where he was, and I waited 5 hours for that text to come, constantly checking my phone. It never came, though. For several days I checked my phone constantly and the slightest noise would wake me up and I immediately checked my phone to see if it was from Dylan, but it never was. Every day I woke up, went to school, and came back home checking my phone every second, and this went on for several months. One day when I had completely forgotten about Dylan and I was hanging out with my boyfriend an unknown number texted me. When I got the chance I slipped away from everyone saying that I had to use the restroom and when I got into the bathroom I texted the unknown number back asking who it was. After about an hour of waiting, I knew that they were playing a game with me. I went back to the others and acted as if nothing went on, and continued to party until 2 in the morning. I got home around 3:00 AM, went to my room, and there was someone in my room. As my eyes adjusted the man looked like Dylan, and I hugged him, but he didn't hug back. He was, confused. I sat him down on my bed asking questions such as who he was and why he was here. He said his name was Cody, and that he had a feeling that he was supposed to be here, but he doesn't know why. when I got him some food and he went to sleep I looked in his pockets, know that it was rude, and there I found Dylan's phone and ID. When "Cody" woke up, I showed him the phone and ID card and he was still confused. Is Cody really Dylan? Is Dylan a coverup name for something he did in the past? I went on a walk to the old abonded house which is where I go when I'm stressed, or don't know what's going on. I was there for five hours when my mom/aunt finally messaged me, actually worried for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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