Mom/ Monster-In-Law

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Hey, you both! It’s Momma lecture time!! xD Lol, just joking, I’m not going to lecture you today… I think. *wink*

Dharaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :* What do I say about you? We met for the first time at a thread on Wattpad. Why? ‘Cause we both were huge fans of coffee! And now here we are with so many things in common; I can’t even count! I remember our inbox chats! They involved babies, and roller coasters. Yeah, we’re crazy, need I say more? ;) [We still gotta do what we planned with the babies, btw! :O] From those inbox chats, we moved on to message boards; from message boards to chat boxes; from chat boxes to emails; from emails to texting; and from texting to endless phone calls! We now stay up until 3am in the morning talking to each other about absolute NONSENSE! :O Anyway, I just wanted to say that from a simple ‘hello’, you’ve come to become one of the bestest friends I could ever imagine! I now can’t spend a single day without talking to you, or bugging you, or of course, spamming you. B|

Somewhere in the middle of all that ^ you became my bachchaaa! :* [Oh Mason, bachcha means kid in Hindi :P] And I became your momma! B) We irritate each other, we spam each other (Oh wait, you don’t spam me.. :o Oh whatever!), we piss each other off, we make each other smile, we make each other laugh! That’s what friendship is all about, eh? And the most important thing! We make each other sing! LOL. Baa baa black sheep! Jack and Jill! Johnny Johnny! Twinkle twinkle little star! ABCDEFGH… ! I don’t think we have had a single conversation without including those characters! ;) Have we? XD And you gotta admit, Dhara, I have awesome singing skills! Don’t try to deny it! I know I’m awesome xD

So Dhara, today, I just wanna tell  you, that I’m writing this because it’s the 19th and you won’t shut up about your ideas and plans! [Mason, remember what I told you? XD] .. :P Wait, that’s not true! I’m writing this because you’re the best friend I could have ever asked for and I value you. :* *HUGE HUG* I love thee, Dhara. J

*cough* Mason. *cough* Satan in law. *cough* Oh well. :P *I can do this!* I’ve known you for a really short time! Like probably a few weeks? And I remember all our conversations have been me lecturing you about how you should stay away from my daughter, how you should keep your hands to yourself, how you should never hurt her etc etc! But I’m not gonna say any of that today, because I know how happy you make her. (: I’ve heard a lot about you; Dhara does NOT shut up about you, ever! x) Anyway, for the short time I’ve known you; I know that you’re capable of handling this finicky little daughter of mine. Hey, you’ve stayed around this long after all her antiques, you can do it for the rest of your life. ;) All I wanna say is, GOOD LUCK SON IN LAW! *wink* Dhara, don’t kill me for that.. :P

Okay no wait! This Momma lecture thing can’t be enough without me lecturing you! -_- So here goes! Satan? I just wanna tell you that if you ever hurt my daughter, I will find you, and I will kick your ass. And don’t think I’m joking about that, because trust me, I’m not! >.< The only time she should feel pain is when she’s in labor. And even then you should be right next to her, holding her hand. I’ll make sure of that. -_- Get it? Okay, good. Glad we came to an understanding. She’s fragile, she’s dramatic, she’s a little crazy; but she’s the same person you fell in love with. << Remember that, it will help. :P

Okay, I’m being too harsh on you. You’re human after all. *I hate how nice I am :P* So Mason, *it’s hard not to call you Satan :o*, I know you’re a nice guy; you have been chosen by Dhara, you can’t be that bad.. :P Just kidding, lol. Don’t kill me yet! ;) So I know you’re nice guy from what I’ve heard about you, and I also know that you’re completely crazy.. :o I remember you and your obsession with your so-called awesome words. ‘Most-est-est’ isn’t awesome, buddy. xD Yeah now go on, deny it. -_- It still won’t be awesome. x) Oh btw, your bio? It’s hilarious. :’D Oh and one last thing to you, THE TURKEY SHALL WIN THE RACE JUST LIKE IT DID THE OTHER DAY! HA! *runs away* :P

Both of you together is like having a bowl of crazy for breakfast. :P Jokes apart, you guys have made it so far, and I know that both of you will be able to make it for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Whatever happened for the past four months should be forgotten because it’s not important. It’s not worthy enough for you guys to lose your sleep over. There will be tons of obstacles along the way, but remember, it’s all worth it. (: Being together is what makes you happy, and you should work hard for your happiness! J *Oooh, so emotional and philosophical.. :P*

Anyway, I know that both of you will one day… give… me… twograndchildren. *AH! I said it! Phew!* I’m gonna be their godmother. B| And I’m gonna be there for both of you whenever you need me, remember that. Yes even you Satan. -_- Bleh. So just remember, be happy, irrespective of what happens, ‘cause happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.

Love you both! :*

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