Part 20: why me?

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Chelsea's point of view

I walked in to school the next day and went straight to my locker where I saw holly waiting for me. She saw me coming towards her and immediately ran over to me.

'Come with me.' She said and dragged me into the girls bathroom.

'Woah hol. What's up?' I asked confused at her sudden outburst so early in the morning.

'So..' She started, checking there was no one else in the bathroom. 'What happened? At Justin's?' She was like a little kid waiting to hear a bed time story.

'Nothing.' I lied.

'You can't fool me Chelsea Oakley.' She crossed her arms and gave me a stern look.

'Fine.' I huffed. 'We did some of the project, watched a movie and...' I stopped and saw holly's wide eyes.

'And..?' She pressured.

'And.. He nearly kissed me.' Her mouth dropped. 'But I didn't let him, I left.' I added quickly, but left out the part about him telling me how he felt.

At that moment the bell rang so we went to first lesson.

'Oh my god. I would've kissed him if I were you.' Holly continued our conversation on the way to class.

'Shh..' I said, telling her to lower her voice. 'I already told you. I'm not getting involved with him. We're working on a project. That's it.' I clarified as we entered the class room.

The first few hours of lessons dragged but it was finally lunch time. I grabbed my food from the cafeteria and went and sat with holly, max and Oscar at our usual spot. I hadn't seen Justin all day as we hadn't had any of the same lessons. Thank god. As I was about to dig in to my delicious, note the sarcasm, cafeteria food, my phone began to ring in my pocket.

Me: hello?

Justin: hey Chels. Come and meet me by my locker.

Me: I'm eating. No.

Justin: Chels please. It's important.

Me: Urghh, give me five minutes.

I hung up and finished my food.

'Where you off to?' Max asked.

'Justin wants to meet me by his locker. Oh the joy.' I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag.

'Don't have too much fun.' Holly winked. I gave her the finger as I stood up and headed towards Justin's locker. I saw him leaning against his locker on his phone when I got there. He did look extremely handsome today, I have to admit.

I cleared my throat as I approached him, getting his attention.

'You said it was important?' I asked rhetorically.

'I just wanted to see you. I haven't seen you all day.' He admitted.

I furrowed my eyebrows. 'Is that all?' I began to turn around to walk away when I felt him grab my wrist and turn me round. He's got to stop doing that. He let go as sudden as he had grabbed it though.

'No that's not it.' He began.

'What then?'

'Are you coming over tonight to work on the project?' He asked. I nodded. 'Well, I was wondering Ermm.. If you'd.. Ermm..' He was scratching the back of his neck, clearly struggling to find the right words.

'Go on..' I encouraged.

'If you'd Erm.. Wanna.. Maybe do something together after we've done the project? If you're not busy.'

Was I hearing correctly? Justin Bieber was asking me out. I was shocked in a way. I've never heard Justin Bieber actually ask someone out before and as far as I was aware, he never had.

'Ermm.. I don't know.' I said. He looked.. Disappointed. Upset, kind of. He looked at his feet then back up at me, those puppy dog eyes burning in to mine. Honestly, how could I say no when he looked so innocent, like a nice guy for a change. His eyes. I'd never seen them that colour before, a beautiful caramel colour that looked so soft and kind and genuine. I guess it won't hurt to go out with him, if we're in public, he won't try anything either.

'Fine. Yes. I'll go.' His face lit up but at that moment, Emily came up to us.

'Go where?' She asked. Nosey.

'None of your business.' I spat.

'Justin, wanna come over tonight?' She turned to Justin and winked at him, tracing her index finger up and down his chest. I rolled my eyes. Clingy or what?

'No Emily. I told you we're over and I meant it. We were never a thing anyway.' He scoffed.

'I'll see you tonight Chels.' He added before turning away and walking off. I began to walk away when I felt bony fingers wrap around my wrist. People have got to start letting me walk away when I want to. Fucking hell.

'So.. You're Justin's next toy.' She smirked.


She raised her eyebrows. 'No, huh? Don't think he actually cares about you. It's all part of his game. Well, I have my own game. Justin will realise him and I are meant to be together and soon you'll be out of the picture. Got it?' She hissed. I gave her a dirty look and pulled my arm out of her grip before walking away from her. Why me? Why can't they just leave me alone for fuck sake?

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