Part 9: maybe he finally understands

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Chelsea's point of view

*next day*

Nothing else really happened at school yesterday besides Justin continuing to harass me all day and I continued to get death stares from Emily every time she saw Justin talking to me. Why can't he see that he has a girl right in front of him who wants him and stay with her instead of pissing me off? I've made it clear more than enough times that I am not interested.

Anyway, I woke up this morning to an empty house since my parents were away on business and made myself some toast before getting ready and heading to school for yet another day of being constantly provoked by Justin. Yay. Not. I arrived at school and saw Justin straight away stood outside with Emily and some of his friends, who I still didn't know the names of. Immediately, I looked away and sped walked into school, hoping he hadn't noticed me. When I got to my locker, Oscar, max and holly were already stood by it chatting.

'Hey babes.' Holly waved to me. Even though I've only been here a few days, I'm pretty good friends with these three, particularly holly.

'Hey.' I smiled as I opened my locker to get my books out. 'I've been meaning to ask. Who are those people who hang with Justin?' I turned to them.

'Well, his two best friends are Ryan and Chaz and then there's also Brandon, James, George and Louie in their group but I don't think he pays much attention to them.' Max informed me.

'And of course they all get off with like the cheerleaders so sometimes they're all one big group.' Holly added. I simply nodded. I was only curious to know their names since I still don't really know many people.

At that moment, the bell rang so Oscar and max went their way while holly and I went ours. 'So hol.' I started. 'My parents are away on business so I have a free house and wondered if you wanted to come over after school to hang?' I asked as we sat down.

'Yeah I'd love to.' She smiled. 'I'll just follow you in my car to yours.' I smiled at her as the teacher walked in with Justin trudging behind. I half expected him to come over to me. But he didn't, he didn't even look in my direction. Not that I was bothered at all.

The rest of the day was pretty much Justin free which honestly shocked me. I'd had a few lessons with him but he hadn't bothered saying anything to me. Good. Maybe he finally understands. At the end of the day, I met up with holly and we went to our cars so she could follow me back to mine. As I was driving down the road, holly behind me, I couldn't help noticing a car that seemed to be following behind holly. I shrugged it off as we arrived at my house and the car just carried on driving down my road. I was overthinking it, clearly.

'Wow Chels. Your house is so nice.' Holly said as she got out her car.

'Thanks.' I replied and guided her inside. Holly admired my house for a bit before going up to my room and then admiring that too. I giggled at her awe-struck face. 'It's so much nicer than my old house.' I informed her as I went to open my window as it was quite warm in my room. When I got to the window and looked outside, I had to do a double take. The car that had been following us was parked on the other side of the road, right in front of my house.

'Hol come here.' I motioned her over.

'Sup?' She asked.

'See that car down there?' I subtly pointed.

'Mmm.' She nodded.

'It was following us all the way home and then it drove past when we got here but now it's parked practically outside my house.'

Holly chuckled. 'Have you always been paranoid? Maybe they're just lost or something? Whoever it is.' Holly suggested. I guess she's right. There's no need to get so worked up over something so little.

We went downstairs and decided to order some take out and sat and chatted until it came. We talked about our lives before we had met and were really beginning to become close friends. As the food arrived, I noticed the car still parked opposite my house but figured they must be visiting the people opposite me. We put the food on plates and went in to the lounge and decided to put on a film as we ate. After scoffing down the Chinese food and getting half way through the film, there was a sudden knock on the door. 'Who's that?' Holly asked as I got up to answer it.

'I've no fucking clue.'

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