Part 28: busted

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Chelsea's point of view

We were in the car on the way to school, Justin was blasting the radio, nodding his head to the beat of the song. I reached forward and turned the radio down.

'Hey, I like that song!' Justin groaned.

'Justin? Can I ask you something?' I ignored his complaining and got straight in to what was on my mind.

'Shoot.' He said.

'Why did I wake up lying on you? I was the other side of the couch.' I stated. He looked at me and back at the road.

'I know. You fell asleep over there but looked really uncomfortable so I guess I thought you'd be more comfy.' He shrugged.

'And you didn't try and have sex with me?' I said but it came out more of a question.

'Of course not Chelsea. I told you, I'm not a bad guy. I respect you.' He smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at him as we pulled up at school.

I got out the car and Justin and I headed to our separate lockers. As I was stood at my locker, sorting out my books, I heard foot steps and a high pitched

'Chelsea!' being shouted. I looked around and saw holly come bounding towards me. 'Hey. How are y..' She trailed off and did a full over view of my outfit. She furrowed her eyebrows, 'didn't you wear that yesterday?' She asked. Busted.

'Ermm.. Maybe.' I said.

'Why are you wearing it today?' She asked obliviously. I just looked at her and suddenly her eyes widened and it was as though a switch had flipped in her head.

'You went to Justin's last night didn't you?!' She practically shouted.

'Holly.. Shush!' I covered her mouth with my hand and heard her mumble a 'sorry' against it.

I removed my hand and she began talking again, quieter this time, 'omg what the hell happened? You obviously spent the night. Did you sleep with him?' She threw question after question at me.

'Yes I spent the night but no nothing happened.' I clarified. 'I went over to do the project. We finished it, watched a movie and I ended up falling asleep. That's it.' I made it clear.

'Did you sleep in his bed with him?' She asked.

'No I fell asleep on the couch.. but I did wake up in his arms.' I sort of mumbled the last part.

'Oh my god. I'm actually really jealous. What was it like waking up to that God in the morning? I bet his morning voice is sexy as fuck.' She fangirled. I rolled my eyes at her but she's right, it is. 'Seriously, though. That's all that happened. He didn't try hit on you, or even sleep with you?' She asked.

I shook my head, 'nope.'

'Wow.' Holly said, as shocked as I was when I woke up this morning. 'That's saying something to be honest. He must really like you.' She added. Yeah, I thought to myself, he's really not that bad.

At that moment the bell rang and we went to our first lessons. I had history and the project was due in today. I walked in the class and sat down, shortly after Justin came in and sat next to me, followed by the teacher who began the class.

'Ok class. Your projects are due today. Can one person from each group come and place your folder of work on my desk.' The teacher instructed. I pulled the project out of my bag and walked to the front of the class and put it on the desk then sat back down.

'You know..' Justin leaned towards me and began to whisper. 'Just because the projects finished doesn't mean we can't still hang out.' He smirked.

'I'll think about it.' I smirked. It was kind of fun teasing him but it would be nice to hang out with him still I guess.

The class dragged but it was eventually over and Justin and I had the next lesson together.

'Walk to next class with me?' He asked as we left the class room.

'Sure.' I smiled and we headed to the next class. As we walked down the corridor, I felt people's eyes on us, watching our every move, it made me feel uncomfortable. I looked at Justin only to see his eyes were also on me but in a way I've only seen from one person before.. and it made me melt. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world, like I was the only one he needed. The usual intimidating stare Justin gives to girls implying he's imagining them naked was replaced with a look that can only be described as pure happiness and love. No wonder the whole school were staring us down. I don't think any one has ever seen Justin look at someone like that.

'Justin..' I said quietly.

'Yeah?' He smiled, not looking away from me, but before I said anything else, we were at our next class and being rushed inside by other students. That look, I can never forget that look he just gave me.

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