Part 19: i want her

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Chelsea's point of view

He began to lean closer. No. I won't fall in to his trap. I turned away quickly and stood up.

'I.. Err.. I gotta go.' I stammered, making a mad dash to the front door.

'Chelsea. Wait!' Justin called after me, following me to the door. 'Why are you leaving?' He asked, grabbing my wrist and turning me around to face him.

'I'm not doing it Justin.' I simply told him.

'Doing what?' He seemed confused.

Justin's point of view

What was she on about? Doing what?

'I'm not falling into your trap.' She said. My trap?


'Don't act so confused. I know you're a player. You know you're a player and we both know that you're gonna make me fall for you and then ditch me just like you did with Emily.' She spat. That actually hurt. Yes I'm a player, the whole school knows it. Not when I'm with Chelsea though. She's different. I don't want to use her the way I've used girls before. I want her.

'I know.' I sighed looking down. 'I know I'm a player. I know I use girls but not you Chels.' I said looking in to her mesmerising eyes. 'I like you ok, a lot.' I can't believe I was admitting my feelings for her. I'd never had feelings like this for anyone. I took a step closer to her.

'Why me?' She asked.

'Honestly, I don't know. There's just something about you. When I first saw you in Miami back in summer, I admit, I saw you as a fuck and dump chick but I'd never thought I'd see you again in my life. Then you just so happen to turn up at my school so I thought I had another chance to try and pull you. Only, a long the way, I started to..' I hesitated. I'd never done this before. 'I started to have feelings for you. I've never felt this way about any one before. I don't know what it is about you, I just can't help it.'

Chelsea's point of view

I listened to Justin practically pour his heart out to me about how he felt. I never knew he had this sensitive, sincere side to him. It genuinely shocked me. However, I couldn't shake the fact that he is a player off my mind and a part of me believed this was just all a part of his game. Another way to lure me in to his trap. For all I know, he could've said stuff like that to every girl he's ever banged. Then again, I doubt he'd even have to. Girls don't tend to turn Justin Bieber down.

He finished talking and looked in to my eyes, still firmly, yet gently holding my wrist. I really don't know what to believe.

'Justin..' I sighed. 'I understand you're not a bad guy. Not as bad as you like to make yourself out to be anyway. I mean, you saved me the other night which, like I said before, I'm extremely grateful for, but you have a reputation that follows you so I really don't know if I can believe you.' I admitted. 'I know.' He said, barely audible.

'Listen to me Chels.' He began, pulling me closer to him. 'I'll prove to you I'm being serious, ok? I'll do whatever I can. I want you to know the other side of me. Normally, when I get a girl at my house, I won't let her leave until we've at least done something, most likely banged, but those girls are all so easy, they'll bang anyone. You're not like that though, you're not a slut like they are and I respect that. I like that. If you want to leave now, then go. No funny business. I'll see you in school tomorrow.' He was being so honest, at least it came off that he was anyway.

I guess I'll see if he's telling the truth or not soon though. I smiled at him.

'Thank you Justin.' I simply said, before grabbing my bag and turning to leave. He released his grip on my wrist and for once actually let me leave without a rude comment or obnoxious smirk or pulling me back towards him. I got in my car and drove home. It was now already 10pm when I got back.

'You're back late.' My mom said as I stepped inside. 'Thought you were only working on a project.' She said more like a question.

'Yeah. We did. We watched a movie after though.' I told her. She raised her eyebrows. 'What?' I asked.

'Nothing.' My mom smirked. I knew what she was thinking.

'Nothing's going on between us mom, ok? I swear.' I rolled my eyes.

'Ok.' She said sarcastically.

'There better be nothing going on between you and a boy.' My dad interrupted.

'There's not. Don't worry.' I assured him, well, more myself.

Even if Justin is being serious, it doesn't mean I will actually go out with him or whatever it is he wants. I went upstairs and got ready for bed. I climbed into bed and thought about how Justin had nearly kissed me and how a slight part of me had wanted to kiss him too. I pushed that part away and remembered who he was. It's not going to happen.

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