Chapter Twenty-One

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DISCLAIMER: It has come to our attention that the events of this chapter may be uncomfortable to read, and are very heavily non-consensual. If you are uncomfortable with this, please feel free to skip ahead to the following chapter. Any important information discussed in this chapter is reviewed in the following chapter as well, so you won't miss anything important it you skip this one. Thanks guys!


Monday morning had both River and Charlie back in school, which Adrian couldn't bring himself to complain too much about. Not to say he hadn't enjoyed the previous week with River and what was probably an ungodly amount of sex, but it meant he could go back to his regular schedule of working with Varian. He was really starting to see the perks of working with his ability. That, and getting to make out with Varian on a regular basis was a major plus.

Varian, however, was currently not present. He was upstairs somewhere, Adrian assumed in the shower or something because he'd never really seen the guy sleep in. Him being occupied for the moment though, gave Adrian a few minutes to wander down to the kitchen and find something for breakfast. Said something wound up being cereal, because it was easy and didn't require more work than it was worth.

Adrian had to wonder how much longer Varian would be working with him before he'd deem him able to do things on his own. A better question was how long would Varian do that whole kissing him to help with his ability thing. Adrian was getting pretty used to that, and when Varian decided they didn't need to do it anymore, it was really gonna suck. His train of thought was cut off though when Varian finally decided to grace the room with his presence, walking in with his hair down and wet, and yeah, he'd clearly just had a shower. His shirt was unbuttoned, letting Adrian see an undershirt that was entirely too tight to be appropriate, and he briefly wondered if it belonged to Nathan or something, for how small it seemed to be on Varian. He didn't say anything when he came in, and only acknowledged Adrian by looking back at him for a moment before he went to start going through the cabinets, probably for food.

Really, Adrian told himself he wasn't gonna say anything. He was just gonna sit there and eat his cereal, and then they'd go and work on his ability after. But he quickly learned that that just wasn't possible.

"I don't know if you're aware, but it looks like your undershirt might be a size or three too small," he mentioned.

"I like them more closely fitting, as the overshirt is usually buttoned on top of it." Varian answered.

"Yeah, but there's a difference between close fitting and that." Adrian snorted, gesturing toward Varian with a nod.

Varian didn't pause in his supposed search for food, but he did glance down for a brief second before continuing.

"All this time spent here, and you're just now commenting on my wardrobe choice?"

"Well, as you said, the overshirt's usually buttoned, I don't really get the chance to see the undershirt, do I?"

Not that Adrian was complaining, not by a longshot. Varian was unfairly attractive for a parent, regardless of the fact that he was a Changed vampire. If he wanted to go around in skin-tight clothes, thank the fucking Lord, Adrian would definitely not mind one bit. Varian exhaled, stopping in his search and giving Adrian a patient expression. Something about Varian's eyes seemed off though, and Adrian had to narrow his just the slightest bit before he could pinpoint what it was. Where Varian's eyes were, under normal circumstances, the customary ruddy brown color, at the moment they seemed a little more tinted than usual with red. That was interesting.

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