Chapter Thirty

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As potentially selfish as it may have been, Charlie was frustrated when both males seemed to collapse onto the bed and all but pass out, leaving her sitting there breathing heavily. She knew they had to be exhausted, because it seemed like all they'd done lately was sex day in and day out, but Charlie just, wasn't. She felt like she should be tired too, but all she wanted to do was have at least one of them awake and inside of her. Briefly she wondered if she'd be able to wake one of them up, but that seemed a little cruel. Clearly they needed sleep, and Charlie was aware that lately none of them had really gotten much. It didn't stop her from entertaining the thought though.

She wasn't so much frustrated as she was constantly aroused, unlike River who was very clearly frustrated with the whole situation. Charlie didn't know if that was because of his body's constant reactions to her, or due to the interference of other people preventing them from actually breeding. A small part of her did feel a little bad, because it seemed like whenever she was around either male, their bodies just didn't relax, and they were immediately trying to sleep with her. Of course it didn't help that they both smelled so good, or that both of them seemed so eager to be with Charlie, even if Lake hadn't jumped on the chance as quickly as River. Charlie managed to get him involved though, which was good.

Very briefly, she wondered how well Adrian would be able to keep up, given the state she was in. He seemed to have better stamina, Charlie thought that it might take him longer before admitting defeat, which would be an amusing thing to see, she was sure. The thought was cut off though when Charlie felt something unusual, making her inhale sharply. Her immediate thought was an orgasm, but it'd been a minute or two since Lake and River stopped, and it seemed sort of delayed, to be coming right then instead of earlier. Thinking back to it, she hadn't been able to come earlier at all. It was just a rising frustrating feeling with no relief. But this feeling was a very familiar one, the contracting sensation making her moan quietly.

It still didn't make sense why it was happening then, and not earlier. After a few seconds, Charlie got a little concerned. Usually her orgasms were over by then, but this one just felt like it was going on, and while it felt good, she was confused. All she could do though was feel her hips shifting as she moaned and inhaled sharply, trying to keep the sounds as quiet as she could so as not to bother the males. It was a task easier said than done, and a sudden humming sound had Charlie jerking her head to the side, seeing River awake and looking at her, shifting closer.

"Charlie?" he asked quietly. "You okay?"

Oh, she was very okay. But the question still remained of what was going on, because she had no idea. She just knew it felt good.

"Uh, yes. Maybe. I don't know," she answered after a second, keeping her voice just as low.

River shifted closer again, brushing against Charlie and touching her side.

"Can I help?"

Charlie managed a nod as a direct response, moaning again. River blinked, his face starting to go red, but he pushed himself up onto his elbow a fraction, looking Charlie over.


Where was a good question. River was offering to help, and Charlie wasn't even sure what she wanted from him, just knew that it was something. The rhythmic pulsing feeling continued non-stop, and Charlie figured if there was anything he could do to add to the sensation, well, there was a specific spot. She reached over to grab one of her mate's hands, pulling it over and down, toward the area between her legs. River seemed to have an idea of what she was asking for, shifting over a little more. Once his hand was in place, he started rubbing and pressing in, looking at what he was doing and glancing to Charlie every now and then. She loved it though, moaning again and arching her back a little, trying to shift as close as she could to her mate.

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