Chapter Two

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Two years ago...

Jongin worked too hard, claimed Sehun. He was always spending what little free time he had cooped up in his office and typing away at his computer or scratching away at some paper. Even if he wasn't at the workplace physically, he was mentally. It was as if his entire mindset revolved around work and inheriting his father's position as CEO. So, he often saw it as his duty to be of aid to the work-driven Jongin, to help remind him to be a normal human every once and a while.

"Just trust me, will you?" he said, staring at Jongin, whose attention was focused on anything but Sehun. "This whole workaholic thing isn't a good look for you. You need to get out and experience the fun in life. If you work had you have to play hard, too." Jongin just rolled his eyes, still not connecting them with Sehun's. "I mean, think about it, Jongin," Sehun continued, trying his best to pitch his idea to him, "when was the last time you went out to a club or to a party? You used to be a party animal in college, remember? As long as you showed up to a party, everyone could be guaranteed that it would be a blast."

"Yeah, but that was years ago, Sehun," Jongin said, finally breaking away from his work long enough to look at him. "And it was great in college, but we aren't frat boys anymore. We graduated and now we live in the real world and in the real world, partying all night and sleeping around with whomever you please is just unrealistic. Besides, just because working isn't fun to you doesn't mean it isn't fun to me. I happen to like working."

"Yeah, just like I'm sure animals enjoy being in cages at the zoo ," Sehun retaliated, earning a sigh of frustration and an eye roll from Jongin before he turned away again. "Look, I'm not asking you to become like my clubbing buddy, okay," Sehun said, this time walking over to his desk and pressing his hands against the wood as Jongin looked up at him. "I'm just saying that it's okay to take a break from working so hard, that's all. I'm looking out for your mental health. You can't keep working like this, Jongin." 

Jongin let out another sigh as he continued to stare at Sehun. He could see his point and if he was being honest, he himself had thought about taking a rest from his work. But he didn't know what to do with himself when he wasn't working. It wasn't like he had any other hobbies or interests, so he would most likely just stay at home and waste time he could use to get ahead. However, he knew that if he rejected Sehun's offer again, he would only continue to pester him with it, which instilled a deeper sense of obligation in him.

"Fine, I'll go out with you," he started to say, only to be interrupted by Sehun's mini celebration, "But only one night this weekend, alright? I can't afford to lose time partying with you."

"Aye, aye, captain," Sehun said, being his silly self and saluting Jongin. "I know this great place we can go to with awesome music and booze and...ah, I know you'll love it. I'll text you the address when I get home tonight."

"Okay," Jongin said, shrugging nonchalantly.

Sehun smiled in excitement, practically skipping toward the door. "This weekend is gonna be epic!" he cheered as he went down the hall, earning a few odd-eyes glances from the other workers. Jongin shook his head and rubbed his face, already regretting his decision.


Jongin felt stupid. He should have known when Sehun manipulated him into going out into the city that he would take him to a gay club. 

Personally, he could have cared less about who those around him were attracted to, his opinion in far contrast to the way he was brought up. Jongin wasn't 100% sure of what his own sexual and romantic attractions were at the time, which was mostly due to the lack of personal time he had in his schedule. Of course, like any other boy, he grew up with the mentality that he was straight. He would get all excited whenever he saw his favorite female actresses on television as a child and he had many crushes on girls he went to school with. Certainly the few sexual endeavors he had while studying in college and management at university supported him being straight, too. But ever since he began working under his father, love and its counterparts got pushed to the back burner to make room for the more important things.

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