Epilogue (The Second)

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A/N: Just a quick clarification that I'm not sure I included before. There are two endings to this story that are completely separate from one another. If you are feeling more of a happy ending, this one may be the one for you. However, if you want more of a bitter ending the first may be a better choice. But just note that these two endings aren't connected in anyway. Thank you!

                                                                                        "This Time"

A gust of oxygen comes out as he exhales, his head rolling back to lay on the bed's headboard. He wonders how it all happened, how just a mere--and accidental--encounter with Jongin led to this. But it made sense to Kyungsoo at the same time. Jongin was always his weakness and clearly, he still is. Jongin exits the motel bathroom, a cloud of steam from the shower following after him.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting on the disheveled bed's edge and glancing over at Kyungsoo before bending forward for his pants.

Kyungsoo nods. "Yeah," he says. "Are you okay?"

"The truth?" he says, letting out a small grunt as he hikes his pants up, deciding to leave them undone for the moment. He sighs and sits on the bed, his legs crossed over each other. "I don't know," he answers, lifting his head and connecting his eyes with Kyungsoo's. "I'm still having trouble figuring out if having sex with you after two years was a good idea or not."

"Yeah..." Kyungsoo nods his head in agreement as he drops it, his voice trailing off a bit. "Me, too." A silence hits them both like a ton of bricks, but they were expecting at least that much.

"I hope that I didn't like make you cheat on anyone just now," Jongin says, the thought worrying him.

"Oh, no, no," Kyungsoo says, shaking his head a little too frantically. "I'm totally single, so you're good." A breath of relief falls from Jongin's lips and nods as his eyes divert away. "I actually just broke up with someone," he admits, taking Jongin aback.

"Really?" Kyungsoo nods. "How come?" he asks, moving away from the edge of the bed. Kyungsoo sighs in something similar to pain and Jongin begins to feel bad for asking, but the elder speaks before he can retract his question.

"Gian," he starts, "that was his name, he used to be nice to me. He treated me well, took care of me well. He treated me a lot like you did." There's a brief pausing moment when Kyungsoo looks down and scratches his fingernail before continuing, his eyes squinted. "But then he changed. He became really possessive, almost to the point where I was scared to even go out on my own because I thought he would find out and accuse me of cheating. He always did that. He said that I knew how attractive I was and used that to sleep with other guys behind his back."

"But you didn't," Jongin interjects, peering directly into Kyungsoo's eyes. "You're not like that. You never were."

Kyungsoo smiles faintly at him and nods, proceeding on with his story. "Anyway," he says, letting out a quick sigh and straightening out his spine, "time after time I told him that I wasn't cheating on him, but he didn't believe me. So, one night I did decide to go out, just to have a good time and get out of my life for a few hours. I didn't expect him to be home when I came back, but he was and he was pissed at me. I think he called me every synonym of slut there is, even though I didn't even let any guys hit on me. Then, he..." There's another pause and Jongin can tell that whatever he wants to say next, whatever memory he's trying to recall is causing him pain. "He..." Kyungsoo starts up again, pushing back the tears as much as he possibly can.

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