A Krazy Critic's Reviews: The Epic of Five

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Tittle: The Epic of Five

Author: bluerose23

Type: Epic Poem

Status: Ongoing (Reviewed up to Chapter 5)

Blurb: ~Non Available~


I'm going straight-out and say, that was one refreshing read.

The poem, in a lot of ways, was very new, very well written and well thought out. I mean, I'm no expert with Epic Poems, but this one was pretty good. Especially for a first timer when it comes to this style of poems. 

The presentation was lovely. Very clear and structured. The vocabulary too, was brilliant. The writer actually used a range of them. She even had a rhyming pattern, ababcdcd... etc. Epics don't necessarily need them, but for her to structure one shows obvious thought into the Epic.

Now, I'm not going to say the rhyming scheme went smoothly. Sure, there were some pretty good ones, but there were bits that kinda fell flat. Take, for example, in the end of Chapter one, she used 'for' and 'war' and I'm pretty sure the two words don't rhyme. I don't have a clue if it was intentional or what, but on Chapter three, she made a mistake again, using 'balance' and 'talent' and few others, most especially on Chapter four. I don't know, maybe it's not supposed to rhyme, but it seemed pretty random to me. Not that it was obvious, but I'm just pointing them out.

We all make mistakes, and writing an Epic with a rhyming scheme is hard enough, it's bound to be a struggle. The problem with a rhyming scheme as well, is that sometimes some writers can't handle them. They start writing a line which don't make sense at all, just so they fit the rhyming pattern. Now, I'm not saying this writer is one of them, but she still done a few. Like in Chapter one, 'The first of the five was the pain of her demise.' Demise meaning death, so it's basically saying the girl is the pain of her death. Maybe it's just me, but that line kinda made me itch. Either she couldn't come up with anything better, she just didn't have time to look for it or she just didn't notice. Whatever the case, she could've used 'The first of the five caused the pain of her own demise.'

There were also some silly mistakes, like adding spaces between one word and thus making it into two. Eg. when the writer uses 'without' but writing it as 'with out' or using 'breathtaking' and writing it as 'breath taking'. Again, was that intentional? And for what exactly? There were also bits where the writer didn't start a line with a capital letter, which was really anomalous considering she always seemed to write every line with capitals. Mind you, I only found these in Chapter three but that kinda raised my eyebrow a bit. If the writer was trying to control the flow of the poem, she could've used punctuations for that. Or again, maybe she just didn't notice. Who knows?

She's only don this once, mind you, but I'm going to point it out anyway. On Chapter three she wrote 'Arria and Jade, on there soul a mark' Okay, shouldn't that be a 'their'? Of course, those silly mistakes can be easily fixed with a little editing. The writer didn't really make that much mistakes to be honest. 

One thing I can advice her on is to maybe use more punctuations? And by this, I mean by the end of each line, just to make it clear if it's supposed to be a new 'sentence' or what. Because, it can get a bit confusing. And, with punctuations, it generally helps the flow of the poem, give effects and all.

Also, on Chapter three? She had a line that went 'You are what is, you make it so' Personally, I really didn't get that. If you get that, you're a genius. Maybe she meant 'You are what you are, you make it so' or 'You are who you are, you make it so'? I don't know either.

Overall, she's done a good job writing her very first Epic Poem. Her vocabulary, her writing, her formatting and her idea was ace. Yes, there were some mistakes, but we all make them. I especially loved that she had five heroes instead of one which is normally the case of Epics, and the what she done on Chapter four. It gave insight on every character. Well done and good luck!

Truly Yours,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2011 ⏰

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