Chapter 2

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                 Braden's P.O.V

She had cowgirl boots, auburn hair and hazel eyes. That's what I saw right before she ran right into me

 She was so focused on her book, when she smacked right into me. Her stuff fell all over the floor and she fell right down with it. Once she got up and her hazel eyes met my eyes and that's when she said sorry. That didn't stop me from being an arrogant ass though. I snapped at her to look where she is going.

 After calling her princess is when I think I set her off. That definitely set her off and she just pushed past me and walked to her class. My I add that she smelled like tropical fruits. She was at least 5'4 and had a heck of a lot of muscle for a girl.

After that I walk to first bell and the teacher Mrs. Goshen introduced me. I saw her, there she was again sitting by her self at a seat in the back class room. I was told to sit next to her. So I did just that. I sat next to her and she glared at me and we had some words. More her just being angry, but I know she will learn to like me one day it's bound to happen. After English which felt forever long the bell rang, and after 3 very boring bells it was finally lunch time.

 I saw her sitting with her friends and walked right up behind her.

 "Hey there princess", I smirked as I sat down next to her. 

"What are you doing?" she gave me a glare.

 "I'm sitting with you at lunch? What's it look like."

" Whatever makes you happy." She whispered and continued with her lunch

 After lunch and 3 more very boring classes it was finally time to leave. I walked out to my car and there she was again sitting in her truck that happened to be parked next to my jeep.

I knocked on her window "Hey princess, that's a nice truck."

 She looked at me and rolled her window down. "Thanks, now what do you want?" She said with agitation laced in her voice. Snappy but I liked it.

 "Nothing." I said she rolled her eyes.

"Well then I'm leaving, so bye." And with that she started her truck and pulled away. Why did she have such a big truck? I have never seen a girl like her in my life. She was gonna be a hard one to try and get.

I was the infamous bad boy and she was the good girl. We aren't meant for each other, to be mixed in each others world's. But she was something that I couldn't explain, and she was something I needed.

 I got in my jeep, and I drove home in silence. When I got home I parked my car and went in my house. I had a long day so I layed in my bed and thought about her. Of all people why her?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the front door open and and close. Then heard my mother's voice.

 "B I'm home!" my mom yelled as she walked in the front door.

 I walked down stairs and met her in the kitchen "Hey mom." 

She smiled and started dinner. We sat in silence as we ate. "So how was your first day?" she asked.

 "It was good." I said bluntly.

 We carried a casual conversation and after dinner I went back to my bedroom. After showering I laid in my bed and let sleep fill my thoughts. My last thought before I fell asleep was her.

Authors note:
Hi guys! Long time no write, right! This was short but it's good. Braden is a big softy under the bad boy shell isn't he? Well at least we know he likes her. I'm planning something good so be ready!!

Don't be a silent reader!

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