Chapter 3

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I wake up to my alarm at 4:30 and change into my barn clothes. I walk out of my room and walk down stairs to the kitchen. I grab a banana and water, then head out the back door. After I make it down to the barn, I throw my banana peel in the trash in the entrance way. I'm greeted my nickers of my 3 horses. Delia my yearling American miniature horse, who is just as sweet as can be. Prophet my 9 year old American paint horse, who happens to love people. and Totem my big, beautiful 5 year old friesian gelding.

I walk down the barn isle turn on tbe lights, then go into the feed room and get everyone's grain ready. After I get all the grain ready I walk down the barn isle and dump each horses grain in their feeders. After feeding, I hay and water the horses as well. Then I walk to Prophets stall and put him in the cross ties.

"Good morning buddy." I say and feed him a treat.

I brush him down and then tack him up. I slide on the bridle and lead him out of the barn. I slide my foot in the stirrup and sit dowm in the saddle. We start walking down the gravel path that leads to the trails.

We walk through the wooded part of the trail for about 20 minutes until we reach the field. The field is a big open spot of land that Prophet just happens to love. As soon as we come to a stop Prophet pricks his ear up because he knows whats coming.

I pat his neck and whisper "You ready boy?" With that he gives me a eager nicker.

As soon as I release the reins a little bit he takes off full speed. I drop my reins and put my hands in the air and feel the breeze flow through my hair and body. I take in the sounds of Prophets hooves pounding the ground and the land in front of me. As Prophet slows down I take my reins again and walk back into the wooded part of the trial.

We walk back down the gravel path and head back to the barn. I untack prophet and clean him up I lead him to the pasture. I open all the stalls and all the horses go into the night grassy pasture to stay in for the day. I put my tack away and head back towards the house.

I'm greeted by the smell of pancakes and coffee. I walk into the kitchen and my mom is cooking breakfast and my dad is at the table drinking coffee.

"Good morning." My mom cheerfully says to me me.

"Good morning!" I smile to to her. "Morning dad." I kiss his cheek, and sit across from him. I'm a daddies girl what can I say?

"Morning kiddo." He smiles at me drinking his coffee. My mom walks to the table and hands me a plate with pancakes and strawberries. Oh does it smell so good!

I look at my mom and thank her, after we are all seated at the table we start eating. Mom and dad are talking about work and I just listen.

I start to zone out then I look at the clock and see it's 6:30, I get up from the table and leave my dishes in the sink.

I head to my room and freshen up a bit changing my clothes. Before leaving for school I grab my backpack and keys. I walk back down stairs and say goodbye to my parents and go too my car.

Once I get to school, yet again his car is next to mine. He is leaned up against the front of his jeep, looking at his phone. I get out of my truck and he looked up at me then back to his phone.

As I'm walking towards the school, I feel a tall figure behind me and it's the one and only Braden. "Good morning princess." He grins at me.

"I'm not a princess." I continue walking

He continues walk behind me until I'm at my locker, I look over and he is still there. Why is he still there and what does he want from me?

"What do you want?" I growl at him

"Just walking with you to first period is all princess." He shows off that signature smirk. Did I mention that he had a smile that can bring a girl to there knees

"So you have to follow me to all my stops before first period too?"

"Well, I have nothing better to do. So yes." He nods

I groan and shut my locker, then I start walking to first period. The bell rings right as I walk into the class. I take an empty seat in the back as normal and look over. And ladies and gentleman the one and only Braden is sitting right next to me. Oh is this going to be a fun senior year.

Authors note:
So this is a shorter chapter but the next chapter will be much better and more interesting, I promise!!

Thanks for reading don't be a silent reader!

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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