Chapter 5: Explanations

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Part of him didn't want to go back. He knew he needed to. He needed to make sure Kat was still ok since he had been gone far longer than he had indended. Then there was that part of him that just wanted to try to track Luna down and see if he could just pick up where they left off. She was a challenge he liked that. A bonus being nephilim made it near impossible for hurt her. Not that he would want to after getting to know her some. I need to go back but she was fun. Maybe I'll go out tomorrow and see if I can find hwr. Who knows she may need a hand with whatever she's planning to do. He hesitated a moment before stepping back inside.

Kat was sitting at the desk resting her chin on her hands starring at the door. She had a concerned look on her face. "Everything ok Kat? Did something happen while I was gone?"

"You had a vistor. Shes..." before she could finish Trish walked out of the other room.

Impossible. "Who the hell is this?" Dantes first instinct was to grab rebellion or pull out ebony and ivory and get rid of her. This has to be a trick. She must be a demon.

Trish spoke up the second she noticed his expression when he seen her." Calm down Dante. It's not what your thinking. I know I look alot like your mother but I'm not her. I promise you this isn't a trick. I already told Kat that I would explain when you got back. I don't like repeating myself. "

"Explain yourself then before you run out of time to explain" he spoke low. He wanted to contain the anger brewing within him but it was hard. This woman looked exactly like his mother but she wasn't her. That was impossible. Why do you look like her?

"My name is Trish. You know the story about how Mundus killed your mother and imprisoned your father right?"

"I know it."

"He didn't eat her heart like everyone thinks. He actually used it to create me. That's why I look exactly like her. I was trapped almost just like your father. I was used as a puppet to torture Sparda with. I'm no angel but I have her strength as well as her looks. I even have a little of her memories though not much. I've learned more from your father then what was given to me."

"How did you a escape? Where is Sparda? " Dante still spoke low but he was calming down a bit.

"The spells that bound us broke when Mundus was killed. Your father didn't make it. He was still weak from the torture when we ran into Vergil. Sparda was so happy to see him until we learned of what else happened. He didn't agree with what Vergil wanted to do. He killed him. All I could do was watch him die. Vergil stole your fathers sword and with it what was left of his power. Being so weak that power couldn't amount to much but in Vergil hands it can be very dangerous. "

"I should have killed him" he said in an almost growl looking in Kats direction causing her to shrink into herself.

"I don't know what he's planning but rumors are spreading that he already has followers. I thought you should know."

"I'll stop this. Like I already should have. I don't really have a choice now. I'm not having anything else he does be on me"

Kat rushed to his side. I begged him to not to kill Vergil. This is my fault not his. "Dante this isn't your fault. You shouldn't blame yourself.

"Not now Kat" he pulled away from her. "I need some air. I need to go back out. "

"You just got back. Dante please stay." Kat pleaded. She didn't try to touch him again.

He wouldn't look at her. Instead he focused on the door. "I need to go out." He spoke flatly "Trish your welcome to stay the night here if you need. There's extra rooms upstairs. "

"Thanks sugar. I'll be gone before you know it in the morning. I plan to go investigate what Vergil is up to and see if I can get any new information."

"Let me know if you find anything out." He spoke as he exited the building almost slaming the door behind him. I need to kill something. Then he's next. It's not like he really knew his father or knew why he cared so much. Mostly it was because he could have prevented all of this had he just pushed his sword down a little further.

Kat stood in silence staring a the door. Trish had already left to go rest in one of the other rooms.. Kat walked slowly up to her room. Laying down on her bed she hugged her knees to her chest. Why did I beg him to stop? Why do I still care about him? I just need to sleep. She closed her eyes then she heard it. Her head began to ache terribly and then there it was. That familiar voice. He spoke softly in is comforting tone. She heard it just as she did when he first came to her. When her first spoke to her in limbo. It was How is this possible? There isn't two plains anymore. Is this from the new power he possess.

"Kat let me in." His voice spoke clearly in her mind.

"No! I can't! Get out of my head" she directed the thought to him. Is this why I can't get thoughts of him out of my head?

"You know you want to let me in Kat. You did before. Don't fight it. I need you."

"You need me?" Her head begin to ache. She tried to open her eyes but her vision blurred. I need you. I think. I miss you Vergil.

"Yes." He whispered and she lost all consciousness. Her vision going black and the voice was silenced.

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