What Next..

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_3 Days after the Funeral_

It's been three days since my mom's funeral and I'm still not here but I'm here (you know). I haven't talked to anyone since my mom died not even Jeremy and yet somehow I feel as though I need him right beside me. But Hey who am I kidding he doesn't like me anyway so (shrugs) I'm over it. There are only two days left until graduation and I Can't Wait!!! (NOT!). Honestly I'm too ready for this to be over so people can stop asking me how I Fucking Feel. Let's be real how the FUCK do you think I feel?? UGH!! I wish everyone would just leave me alone!!

I sat up on my bed too tired of looking at the ceiling I've been like this since last night unable to get a wink of sleep. I keep having flash backs of the talk I had with my mom before she died. I still can't believe I lost both of my parents on the same day it's truly killing me....

"I need a change of scenery bad" I thought. So I jumped up walked to my closet trying to decide what to put on. I grabbed my red and white chucks, my black ripped jeans and my obey sweater.

A walk to the lake will be good for me" I said while grabbing my keys, phone and iPod. I ran down the stairs and saw Sean watching TV. I'll be back later I'm going to the lake" I yelled and he said "OK".

I put my head phones on and flipped through my shuffle until I found Boys II Men "Mama" and zoned out again. ( SONG ON THE RIGHT PLAY IT IF YOU LIKE)

It was a 15 min walk to the lake and I was tired as hell when I got there. But that wouldn't stop me from finding me and my mom's special place that we made out here a year after my dad died. As I was walking I noticed someone sitting on a rock and they looked very familiar.

"Jeremy" I called out. He looked up and ran to me " Lashea" he whispered. I've missed you like Hell Ma! he said as he picked me up and hugged me.

"Really" I said looking down and blushing not fighting the embrace he now had me in. To be honest it felt good :)

"Hell yeah" He said still holding me.

"AWW" was all I managed to get out without smiling. I couldn't let him know how I felt so I kept playing it cool.

"Look Ma there is somethin_" he stopped and we both looked in the direction from which his name was being called.

"Jeremy, Jeremy where the heck are you Nigga!!" someone said

That voice I know it from somewhere but I can't quite tell because they are still too far.

"Jeremy I know you hear me!! NOW ANSWER ME" they yelled.

"That's...Shirley" I said angrily. What in the Hell was she doing here and why is she looking for Jeremy?? "This should be good" I thought.


"Hey pops I'm home" I yelled in the house to my dad as I walked up the steps. "He's not here I heard my step mom say. "All Hell please don't let her start with this shit again" I thought when I got to my room and locked the door.

I had been home for a good 10 minutes and nothing yet maybe she is gonna give me a break I said and smiled.

Next thing I know I hear my door knob being turned and then a big BAM!! on my door.

" What" I yelled through the door already knowing who it was.

"Open the door Jeremy you know what time it is" She said

" YOU DO REALIZE THAT I'M NOT A SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY ANY MORE" I yelled now highly pissed off.

" DON'T FORGET I KNOW YOUR SECERT" she yelled back

"Man FUCK THIS" I screamed.

I walked over to my dresser grabbed my keys and phone went to my window opened it and jumped out. This had to the the only benefit of me being tall.. I landed on the top of the roof to our garage and jumped down to the ground. I started walking not knowing where but as long as it is far away from here. I walked for a good five minutes until I saw the lake and deiced to go there and sit. I found a rock and sat down starring at the water for what seemed like forever. I was kinda in a daze until I heard someone call my name.

Jeremy" she called out. I looked up and saw it was Lashea I got up and ran to her

"Lashea" I whispered. I've missed you like Hell Ma! I said and picked her and hugged her.

"Really" she said looking down and blushing. I was glad when she didn't try and break our hug.

"Hell yeah" I said still holding her.

"AWW" she said and that made my day because I could see that she was happy.

I need to let her know how I feel because I can't take being around knowing that she's not all mine.

"Look Ma there is somethin_" I started to say but I heard my name being called and stopped. We both looked in the direction from which my name was being called.

"OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS!!! can my day get any worse" I said knownig that the voice calling my name was Shirley. This Bitch is truly crazy I said to myself. I looked over at Lashea and she looked mad as Hell! I heard that her and Shirley had a falling out on the day of her moms funeral.

I started to take Lashea's hand and walk away but it was to late she already seen me because I'm so damn tall.

"Hey baby" she said before she seen Lashea standing there. Please don't let this girl start anything I thought but I guess I spoke to soon.

"What is this BITCH doing here and why yall all hugged up" she said.

next thing i knew I saw Lashea stepping to Shirley and getting all in her personal space .

" WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO YOU UGLY ASS BITCH" lashea said now within arms reach of Shirley.

" I'M TALKING TO YO DUMB ASS DUH!!" she said and laughed.

"OH SO YOU FIND THIS FUNNY HUH ?" Lashea said a little to calm

"YUP I DO INDEED" Shirley said

" WELL HOW ABOUT FINDING THIS FUNNY" Lashea said and punched Shirley dead in her eye. Lashea hit that girl so hard she passed out.

" DAMNN!!" was all I could say .

I looked at Lashea and she was crying like crazy so I tried to hold her but she pushed me back and slapped me in the face.

"Lashea what was that for"I asked hurt as hell

"I don't want to talk to or see your face ever again" She said and ran away

" Lashea don't leave I yelled but she was gone like the wind"

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