Kuroo Tetsurou

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The Antisocial & The Flirt
x Gender Neutral!Reader

You sat quietly in the corner of the colorful room; a clearly displeased look plastered on your face.

How did I get dragged into this? You questioned yourself, frown deepening as a guy stumbled up to you before turning and throwing up.

"Disgusting." You muttered, standing up and walking away.

Making your way through the drunken crowd, you noticed a young man about your age. He had bedhead hair and piercing golden eyes, though seemingly attractive. He must've caught on to your staring for he waved, a smirk playing on his lips. You waved back with the assumption he was either drunk or high.

You choked at the stench of tobacco smoke and alcohol - the reason why you were trying to get outside. You knew your friends would force you to stay, but fresh air was much needed.

Once outside, you took a deep breath. The chilly air clung to the skin left bare causing you to shiver.


You jumped slightly at the sudden sound of the deep, masculine voice. Turning around slightly, you noticed it was the attractive man from minutes prior.

"Hello." You said in a quiet tone.

He stepped into your line of vision, two drinks in hand. He wore the same smirk from when you first saw him; you began to assume it was his natural expression.

"Drink?" He offered.

"I don't-"

You were quickly cut off by a deep chuckle. "C'mon, it's a party. Enjoy it!"

You nodded slightly and took the bubbly fluid. You swished it around in the plastic red cup before taking a small sip. It tasted horrible, in your opinion - definitely not something you usually went for.

"You're beautiful/handsome/cute, y'know."

Eyes widened slightly, you nearly choked on your own saliva. "S-Sorry; I'm n-not really l-looking for anyone like that. . .um. . ."

"Kuroo." He introduced with - no, not a smirk - a smile.

"Ah. Kuroo." You repeated.

He raised a brow, "And you?"

"O-Oh! [Name]. My name is [Name]."

He sighed with slightly dreamy eyes. "Cute name."

"I told you, I'm not-"

He shook his head. "Completely understood."

You frowned slightly, feeling rather uneasy about newly introduced male. He patted your head gently and turned to walk away. "Enjoy the party."

And with that, he disappeared back into the crowded house.



I guess this really isn't an 'X Reader', but eh-
I tried.
I'll try to make the next one better, though. ^ ^

Also, requests are open - considering no one has yet - if you want to (pleASE) give me some.

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