Hinata Shouyou

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X Fem!Reader

Just inside the classroom sat a nervous looking boy. He shifted in his seat nearly every five seconds, eyes only ever leaving the floor to see who had entered.

Just in the halls stood a rather confused girl. She closed her locker, a satisfying click following. Glancing down at the paper in her hands, she questioned if it was it even meant for her.

At the sound of the wooden door sliding open, the orange-headed boy looked up. His eyes widened slightly at the view of a young girl. He could feel his heart racing and stomach doing flips (it felt like 'gwah!', as he would say).

With a small sigh, the girl entered her first class of the day. She walked over to her desk next the window and sat down; thoughts still on the letter. She hadn't read it yet, but from the heart on the outer folds, she could only assume it was some sort of love letter.

Ring! Ring!

Snapping out of her thoughts, the girl placed the slightly tattered paper in her desk. She would have to either read it at lunch or during a free period.

The bright-eyed boy cleared his head of anything that would distract him during class. Twenty minutes in; however, they came crawling back to his mind.

• • •

With a yawn, the [hair color]-headed girl reached up to stretch her arms. With it being lunch, she could finally read the letter. She pulled it out and carefully unfolded it before scanning her [eye color] eyes over the contents. A small blush made it's way onto her fair-toned cheeks as she finally reached the end.

The boy glanced over only to burst into a flaming ball of embarrassment and nervousness. He hesitated before rising from his seat and ambling over to her.

"Y-Yo, [Name]." He stuttered upon arriving at her desk - how uncharacteristic of him.

"Hinata, hello!" The girl greeted, flashing a gentle smile up at him despite her slowly dying blush.

"What's that in your hand?" Hinata inquired, peering over to take a peek.

He face-palmed mentally at his question. He knew what you had. For goodness sake, he wrote it!

"I-It's nothing." She stuttered, the redness quickly returning as she put it behind her back so he couldn't get even a glance. "It probably wasn't even meant for me. . ." She added, words trailing off at the end.

Hinata frowned. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, no one in their right mind would-" Feeling the letter be snatched from her hand, [Name] turned to her back quickly. "Give it back, Kageyama!"

The carrot-top's eyes widened as the ravenette read over his basic, yet embarrassing anonymous confession.

"Give it back!" The girl repeated, reaching up to snatch it back.

"Not so fast, [Name]," The tall male said with a light chuckle, "I know this is for you."

The girl looked at him with a mixture of shock and confusion evident on her face. "How so?"

The shorted male clenched his fists and looked down, salty tears building up at the corners of his brown eyes from the unbearable amount of emotional mortification.

"Because-" The setter began.

"Because I wrote it!" Hinata burst; thankful they were the only ones left in the room.

As the silence went on, he was quick to add: "With the help of Suga, of course."

Kageyama smirked at his partner's pitiful state. He felt semi-horrible for making him burst out like that, but those feelings come-and-go with time.

Hinata frowned, looking up slightly. "I understand if-"

He was cut off by surprise when the slightly smaller girl jumped up and hugged him. "I like you, too." She admitted, placing an innocent kiss on his now burning cheek.



I guess I lied in my last author's note. This one did not turn out any better. Then again, I only wrote it put of procrastination to studying for midterm exams.
I'm terribly sorry.

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