Oikawa Tooru

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We Met Online
X GenderNeutral!Reader

(Oikawa's POV)

I sighed in relief as the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Practice had been canceled due to the extreme weather warnings. So far; however, the weather was chilly with a light snow.

"O-Oikawa-Senpai." A rather annoying voice spoke up from behind me.

Tearing my gaze away from the window, I looked at her with a curious hum and light smile.

"Please go out with me!" She shouted clearly embarrassed.

With knitted brows, I stood up. Every day was the same - at school, anyways. I shook my head and pat her gently on the shoulder.

"Sorry, but I can't," I hesitantly continued, "I've taken interest in someone else." And oh how I wanted to get home so I could talk to them.

A look of rejection and disappointment overtook her facial features before she turned and quickly walked away.

It was quite obvious the countless love-stricken girls that kept at my sides were only interested in looks and talent. And as much as I enjoyed the constant company, the fact only contributed to my hidden self-consciousness.

Heaving yet another sigh, I began to pack my things.

• • •

As soon as I arrived home, I plopped down onto my large bed and pulled out my phone. It had been only nine hours since I had last talked to them, yet I missed them more than ever. A small smile graced my lips as I read over the spam of texts that I had received from them over the day. Of course, this was normal. Ever since I met them - a year ago, it seems - they've sent me multiple messages when they weren't either sleeping or busy.

A mixed emotion of shock and interest took over me as one message in particular stuck out. It was second to last sent; how convenient?

[(Cute Nickname)]:
Oh! I almost forgot, my parents have been talking about sending me to Japan to live with my aunt!!

[(Cute Nickname)]:
Well, I should probably go to sleep now- Byee ;))

That's right, they lived in the US. It would've been late there at that time. It was always a challenge to actually chat with them considering the time-zone differences, so I tried not get my hopes up.

[*Prince Oinkawa]:

I quickly hit send before shutting the screen off and setting the small device on the wooden bedside table. To say the least, I was surprised at the sound of a new notification.

I glanced over.
'New Message from [(Cute Nickname)]'
A huge grin broke onto my face as I eagerly snatched my phone back up and read the message.

[(Cute Nickname)]:
Wow, someone's excited

[Prince Oinkawa]:
Did you expect not to be?

[Prince Oinkawa]:
And here I thought you were smart

[(Cute Nickname)]:
Idiot, you could never be mOre wRONG

[Prince Oinkawa]:
Mean~ ;(

[(Cute Nickname)]:
I try ;)

• • •

One whole month had passed since that conversation, and many more had been created in the time being. Back to the point; it was confirmed that [Name] would move to Japan to live with their aunt - who lived surprisingly close and was going to make sure they attended Aoba Johsai.

The day of their arrival?
Yesterday, actually. Though, they had to get situated in their new home, so their first day of school was today.

• • •

I was currently standing by the school gates, awaiting their arrival. I let out a yawn as the usual crowd of girls offered countless sweets, words of love, and letters. If I had to be completely honest, it was getting old. Some might have said I still enjoyed the attention, but they would be wrong.

A tap to the shoulder broke me out of my semi-depressing thoughts. I hummed in curiosity, tilting my head to the side in order to get a better view. A small gasp escaped my lips, my eyes widening in recognition. Turning to face them fully, I scooped them up into a welcoming embrace.

Sure, we had skyped on occasions, but that was nothing compared to seeing them now - in person. So cute.

"Oikawa-San. . .What about the evil fangirls you warned me about." They inquired with worry evident in their voice.

"First, drop the -San," I loosened my hold on them and smiled, "Second, I'll take care of it."

They simply nodded in reply.

Meanwhile, in the crowd of girls, a mass of whispers and gasps could be heard. Some were louder than others, loud enough to be understood by me even. Some of the comments that I had heard would include:

"Who is that?"

"Who do they think they are?"

"Ah! They're so cute! No wonder Oikawa-Senpai hugged 'em like that."

"Hmph. I've been trying for nearly two years now, no fair."

"There's no way I can compete with that!"

"They're not that cute."

"No matter, I'll get my revenge later."

Considering the fact that they had no chance from the start, their comments sent me into a state of confusion. Were they always that possessive? Pushing the countless questions away, I turned to them, my arms still wrapped around [Name]. I didn't plan on letting go any time soon, either.

"No, this is my person. Don't you dare go near my person. Don't touch my person! They are mine; no!" I demanded while childishly nuzzling their cheek.

The crowd fell silent. They probably thought I was going to say something seriously. No, never.

[Name] began giggling. Their body shook slightly in my arms. Glancing down, I wondered the cause. The [hair color]-haired [boy/girl/agender/etc] leaned into me while attempting to suppress the sensation.

"You're as childish as ever." They said with a playful smirk.

So damn cute.



*Prince Oinkawa - His contact name in your phone.

- - -

So fucking OOC *sobs*

Good thing no one's actually reading these. I guess that should be upsetting, but then again these are just random ideas and daydreams I had and turned into a story. Although they are nice, I don't exactly care about the reads for this-

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