Chapter 1

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Authors notes: just to tell you guys, I picture Garnet as South African, Pearl as a Ginger, and Amethyst as Latino with white dyed hair. Peridot is half-Asian with blond hair and Lapis is white with blue dyed hair. Their eyes are the colour of their gems they have in cannon. I will probably outline their appearances briefly the first time you meet watch character. Also reminder that they are human in this AU. Thank you

"Hey Garnet, you busy today? Wanna chill later?" Amethyst had asked. The young Latino white-dyed-haired teen had absolutely nothing to do that afternoon and was hoping to be able hang out with her childhood friend after school to kill time.
"Ah, I'm sorry Amethyst. I have a date with Pearl tonight." The tall dark-skinned girl with Afro replied with her thick British accent "Maybe another day."
Amethyst sighed. She was expecting that answer. Thought that didn't stop her purple eyes from filling with disappointment. "Oh, that's fine. I understand" It'd been this way for a while. Ever since Pearl and Garnet had started dating, Amethyst hardly got to spend time with either of them after class or on weekends. And when they actually did hang out as a group, Amethyst felt left out, she was pretty much just a third wheel now.
Pearl arrived at the lunch table with her meal and sat next to Garnet. The petite ginger girl had heard the small conversation between her girlfriend and her Ex and gave Amethyst a small smile, her soft blue eyes twinkling lightly as always. "The three of us could probably do something together on Tuesday if you'd like to." She suggested
Amethyst cocked her head to the side "Uh P, today is Tuesday."
Pearl nodded and rolled her eyes "I know that. I meant next Tuesday."
"But that's like a week away!" Amethyst outbursted suddenly "what are you guys doing in the next 7 days?"
Garnet butt in with a simple three worded sentence "We have plans." She adjusted her dark shades which hid her eyes.
"What Garnet means is today is our 6 month anniversary and we've made a week-worth of dates in celebration of ourselves." Pearl explained, looking up to Garnet, who nodded in confirmation
The snow-haired girl huffed and crossed her arms "Fine whatever." She was quiet for a minute or two before speaking up again, directing her words to Pearl "When we were dating we'd always spend time as a group, anniversary or not, you know."
Pearl nodded, slightly annoyed that Amethyst had brought up their past relationship "I'm aware of that Amethyst, but Garnet and I take our relationship a little more seriously than you and I did. We actually enjoy going on nice little dates together."
"We went on dates sometimes" Amethyst bluntly stated
Garnet cut in once again before a full on argument could commence. "We're aware of that Amethyst. But Pearl's idea of a relationship differed from yours. Now again, I'm sorry I cannot hang out with you tonight, please try to understand that I have already made plans. We promise to spend time with you another day. Alright?"
The shortest of the three nodded "Yeah, I got it." She stood up and took her lunch elsewhere to be alone, not wanting to be around the couple at the moment. Her mood had turned into a spoiled one.
It was nearing the end of lunch, with only about ten minutes left and Amethyst sat alone under the stairs with what was left of her lunch. She stared down at her phone hoping that her Tumblr dash would cheer her up. A voice suddenly broke the tan teens concentration.
"Hey, Amethyst right?" A small nerdy girl from a few of Amethysts classes stood before her. She was barely taller than Amethyst, but she was also quite a bit skinnier. The nerd had blonde pinned up hair and green eyes, which hid behind A pair of reading glasses.
"What's it to you?" Amethyst asked, her mood getting the better of her
"I was just wondering why you're sitting here all alone, you don't have to be rude." The blonde sneered back before returning to her regular tone "I'm Peridot, we have a few classes together. Do you want to come and sit with me and my friend until class starts?" She pointed towards a small table where a tall pale, but not as pale as Pearl, girl with blue-dyed hair sat with a book
Amethyst took a few moments to consider the offer. Maybe these nerds could help cheer her up or something. She shrugged her shoulders "Sure I guess so. Better than sitting down here."
Peridot offered her a hand which, Amethyst took, and helped her up. The two headed to the table. The Blue-haired girl looked up with a small smile, her blue mirror-like eyes were welcoming. "Hello. I'm Lapis."
"Amethyst" the tan teen greeted as she took a seat.
The three introduced and began to get to know each other for the remaining minutes of lunch, and Amethyst explained the reason she was sitting under the stairs, though she never used Pearl's or Garnet's names for privacy. The other two girls agreed was reasonable. Amethyst found the girls nice and inviting, she actually enjoyed their company. When the bell rang for class, the three agreed to meet up at the end of the school day to hang out some more before heading off. Peridot to her advance computer programming class, Lapis to her Hair and Aesthetics class, and Amethyst to Music. The snow-haired girl was no longer angry, but happy that she had made two new friends.

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