Chapter 26

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"What's your deal?" Topaz asked shoving back.
Jasper rolled her eyes "My 'deal' is you fucking got yourselves and my girlfriend arrested last time. I'd rather not have a re-run of that shit. Besides my sister and her friend are here. I don't think they want to breathe in your fumes." She shoved again.
"Hey don't blame me for Lappy's arrest. She wanted to smoke with us!" Topaz rose her voice "speaking of that, hey Blue! Come help me out here!"
Lapis' eyes grew wide and she frantically shook her head "N-no-no thanks..."
Topaz rose a brow and asked again "come on Lapis, defend me on this. What are you? Chicken?"
"No! I-I just don't want to..." Lapis refused to meet the largers eyes
"So you are chicken? Wow Lapis what happened to you?" Topaz let out a laugh "c'mon take one and light up with me."
"Hey!" Jasper cut in. "She said she doesn't want to!"
"Oh shut up." Topaz rolled her eyes "Only reason she's saying no is because she's afraid of what you'll say. You don't control her you know."
"You don't know her reasonings! Just leave her alone. She said she doesn't want to." Jasper balled her hand into a fist and held it up threateningly.
Pearl sat shocked, this was not her scene, she did not like any of what she was seeing. If these brutes weren't in front of the only exit, she would've left already. She looked to Amethyst, hinting with her eyes that the other should do something, but Amethyst only shook her head violently.
"Hit me! C'mon I dare you! Do it!" Topaz yelled
Jasper wound up, she was going to do it-
"STOP!" Pearl screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her. "That is enough! I will not tolerate any of this behaviour! If you do not cease your actions, I will not hesitate to call Garnet over to kick all of your asses!" She realized what she'd said and blushed brightly. She covered her mouth in embarrassment and quietly added "Pardon my French..."
Jasper lowered her arm, not wanting to take the chances. They all continued to stare for a moment. An awkward silence developed. Nobody knew what to do or say next until Lapis stepped up. "Y-yeah! This whole situation is ridiculous! You guys can smoke if you want to, but I will NOT be joining you! So.... Just..... Cut it out!"
"But Lapis-" Topaz had began Before a Jasper cut her off.
"But nothing Topaz. She said no. Leave her be."
Lapis smiled shyly to her girlfriend and added one last part to the conversation, on her part anyway. "Yes. You should respect my decision, and kindly lay off me."
Topaz rolled her eyes. "Pfft. Yeah, whatever. Be a fucking loser then. I don't care." She took out her lighter and was about the light a blunt when Amethyst finally said something.
"Hey, take it outside would ya? I don't wanna smell that shit."
Topaz was done with arguing and just left the apartment without another word. Spinel shrugged and followed. Heliodor wanted to stick around, but after seeing the angry expression on Jasper's face, she decided to leave as well.
Jasper sighed once they were all gone and made her way over to the 3 younger teens. She plopped herself down on the couch without a word.

----------at Peridot's---------
"My parents made a Meme-page on Facebook.... And they want me to like it." Garnet commented as she stared at her phone. Her and peridot were taking a break from their work.
"Oh lord." Peridot commented "what did they name it?"
Garnet sighed in shame "Meme-Queens' meme team...."
Peridot let out a groan "your mothers need to stop. " Garnent simply nodded in agreement.
"I see you two are being very productive down here" a voice dripping with sarcasm announced from behind them.
Peridot turned to face her "we're taking a break from our studies due to Garnet's unbelievable progress. At this point I'm not even sure what to teach her. She's been doing fantastic." Peridot sent a smile to her friend, who returned a small one.
"Thanks for the flattery, Peridot, however you're the one who's been 'doing fantastic'. You're a really great teacher." Garnet replied
Peridot's eyes widened slightly "you really think so?"
"Definitely." The other student replied
Yelona spoke again "Now Peridot, remember you're in a relationship. It's not appropriate to flirt with others."
"What?! We're not flirting!" Peridot said voice raised. "Besides Garnet's got a girlfriend too, and I definitely don't want to come in between them. Her and Pearl are adorable together."
Garnet nodded in agreement "Pearl and I are very loyal to eachother, as are Peridot and Amethyst. Not one of us would ever even consider cheating or anything of the like. Peridot and I are simply becoming close friends."
Suddenly Garnet's text-tone sounded loudly. She opened the new text from Pearl and read «Garnet, I am so, so, so sorry....»
The dark woman frowned and raised a brow «Why? What happened?»

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