Chapter 14

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AN: I'm extremely sorry for the long wait... I got a bit busy with Exams and culminating activities for my first semester classes, and with business comes stress. Stress usually brings along lack of imagination... Anyway yeah I got busy with school and stuff but I should be picking things up again after today as long as I stay motivated. Thanks for putting up with my hiatus.

Peridot sat on her bed in her basement bedroom wondering if going to tonight's party was a good idea. If her mother found out she had snuck out she'd be grounded for another week again. She sighed and stared at her carpet floor.
There was suddenly a knock on her window, she looked up to it to see Amethyst crouched down in order to look in. Peridot stood up on her bed to open her window. "What are you doing here?!" Peridot said quietly as Amethyst crawled into the room through the window and brushed herself off.
"I'm helping you get ready for the party." The snow-haired replied as she started digging through Peridot's dresser to find her girlfriend an outfit.
The nerd bit her lip "About the party... I don't think it's a good idea that I go. I don't want to get in trouble again."
"Don't worry, you won't get caught. I have a plan."Amethyst said while finding a nice enough outfit for Peridot to come to the party in. She placed the clothing on Peridot's bed before explaining her very simple plan. "We write a note on your bedroom door saying you went to sleep early, and not to disturb. Then we lock the door from the inside just in case."
Peridot thought it over and finally let out a sigh of defeat "I guess that would be enough. I'm still going."
Amethyst smiled "good now get dressed."
"Yeah okay... Turn around" Peridot instructed, still not ready to allow amethyst see her undressed.
Amethyst turned and faced the wall, completely understanding and respecting Peridot's wishes as Peridot quickly changed into the outfit. After getting changed Peridot wrote out the note that was to go on her bedroom door. She taped it to the door and locked it from the inside. After shutting off the light, Peridot and Amethyst crawled out of the window and began to walk in the direction of Amethyst's house. "Jasper said she'll give us a ride. She's was invited to the party but she doesn't wanna go because she thinks it'll be lame." The purple-eyed explained with s shrug as the reached the apartment.
Half an hour later, Amethyst and Peridot walked into the Party. Peridot looked around. She'd never been to a highschool party before. Everything seemed new and cool to her. However Amethyst had been to a lot of parties in her past years and this was nothing new to her.
Jenny and Kiki, the twins who Amethyst knew, headed over. "Heeey Ame! You made it!" Jenny said happily
"Who's your friend?" Kiki asked
The small blonde decided to introduce herself "I-I'm Peridot. Amethyst's g-girlfriend." She stuttered out being nervous.
"Girlfriend?" Both twins questioned before looking to each other and speaking quietly between themselves
"Uh oh" Kiki commented as Amethyst nodded to answer the previous question
"Vid isn't going to be very pleased with that information" Jenny shook her head.
The twins further welcomed the two teens before spotting their other friends, Buck, and Sour Cream, and walking off.
Amethyst and Peridot decided to walk around and take a look at what was going on. People were dancing to loud music in the livingroom, others were drinking alcohol and simply chatting it up in the kitchen while a few others smoked pot in one of the bedrooms. As they wandered back out to the livingroom Amethyst spotted Vidalia. "Hey! Vidalia!" Amethyst called out catching the others attention.
Vidalia was pale, with blonde hair and grey eyes. She noticed her old friend calling her name and headed over. "Amethyst! Long time no see girl! I expected you'd stop by." The pale commented
"Yeah? Oh Sweet party, by the way." Amethyst replied "This is Peridot." She introduced her date.
Vidalia frowned in slight confusion "Oh? Nice to meet you Dots." She greeted.
The awkward nerd nodded "yeah nice to meet you too."
Vidalia spoke again "So would you guys like a drink? There's a lot in the kitchen."
Amethyst looked to Peridot who bit her lip before shaking her head. The nerd didn't think it was a good idea to drink any alcohol tonight. The purple-eyed then replied "do you have anything non-alcoholic? Peri's not even supposed to be here, let alone drinking."
The pale blonde frowned again "uh.... Yeah. Is Pepsi fine?"
Peridot nodded.
Vidalia looked to Amethyst "and for you?"
"I'll have a beer." She looked to Peridot for approval. Peridot nodded, she was okay with amethyst drinking, as long as she didn't overdue it.
Vidalia's expression changed from disappointed to content and slightly devious in a matter of half a second. "Alright I'll go get those for ya. I'll be right back" the grey-eyed hostess excused herself from the room.
After a brief moment of standing quietly Amethyst looked to peridot with a small shy smile "I know you're not really a party person and I can tell you're kinda bored and feeling awkward right now, but Don't worry, I promise you'll have fun tonight..."
Peridot glanced over and sighed. "How can you be positive?"
"I don't know... I just have a feeling." Suddenly the music changed. A slower song began to play. Amethyst smirked and after a moment, held out a hand "Dance with me. Let's start having fun." She offered
Peridot smiled softly and took her girlfriends hand "Fine. But I'm not really that good..."
The white-haired chucked "Neither am I. Who cares? Let's go!"
Peridot's smile grew as she rolled her eyes and followed Amethyst to the dance floor.
Both of them, not being good dancers or even having the slightest clue on what to do, did as they had seen in movies. Amethyst put her hands on Peridot's hips, and peridot put her hands on Amethyst shoulders and they awkwardly swayed to the slow beat. Both internally laughing at how dorky they probably looked.
Meanwhile Vidalia watched them from the doorway. She held their beverages in her crossed arms as she frowned and sort of glared at the two dancing girls before her, in a jealous way.

An: and I'm tired so I'm gonna leave it there and write another chapter tomorrow about the rest of the party. Just wanted to let you guys know I'm not dead.

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