Chapter 7

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She turned and started at the voice, surprised. "M...Mr. J," she stammered. "How did you get outta solitary?"

"Using my get outta jail free card," he retorted. She grinned, but it fell quickly as she remembered the situation.

"You shouldn't have lied to me, Harley," he murmured.

"I told ya, I was too weak to break up with you..."

"No, I mean you shouldn't have lied to me about all that. About not loving me anymore and having other hurts, kid, y'know?"

She stared at him. "Johnny told you," she whispered.


"He's a sweet guy," she murmured.


"Not my type."


There was silence between them. Harley sat gently swinging to and fro. "Need a push, kid?" he asked.

She smiled. "All right, Mr. J," she said, settling herself on the swing.

He began pushing the swing backward and forward and she soared higher and higher. He stopped pushing and ran around in front of her, holding out his arms. "Now c'mon, jump, kiddo!" he called.

"You crazy?" she retorted.

"I'll catch you."

"You won't."

"I will!"

"I don't trust you, Mr. J!"

"Just jump, you dumb blonde!"

Harley took a deep breath, shutting her eyes. "I must be outta my mind," she muttered to herself, and then let go of the swing. She flew through the air and into his arms, landing on top of him and knocking him to the ground.

"Jesus, you could stand to lose some weight, you worthless dame!" he gasped.

"Sorry, puddin'," she murmured, starting to climb off him.

"I didn't say get off!" he snapped.

She beamed, smiling down at him. She brought her mouth down to his and they kissed, a kiss that wasn't sweet or tender or gentle, but a kiss that, to Harley, was just perfect.

"So tell me, sweets, you ever made love on a jungle gym before?" he murmured, standing up and picking her up in his arms.

"Nah uh," replied Harley, grinning as she slid her arms around his neck. "Will it have me growling like a tiger?"

"I was gonna go with 'it's really wild,' but yours is fine too," shrugged Joker.

"Really? You liked one of my gags?" asked Harley, astonished.

"I said it was fine," he retorted. "That don't mean I liked it, it's just that it wasn't painfully bad, like your jokes usually are."

"Speaking of things that are painful and bad, why don't my big, bad, strong lover start hurting me a little?" murmured Harley. "I have been a very naughty girl, lying to you and everything, puddin'. I think I deserve a spanking at least."

"A spanking?" he snorted. "Wishful thinking, toots."

She smiled. "I love you, puddin'," she breathed, kissing him.

He grinned. "Now that's a good gag, baby," he murmured. "A great gag. I'd be a fool not to love it."

The End

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