1. Blind

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A/n.: This story is based on my video-series "Despair | Hermione & Legolas" you can watch it either on my youtubechannel: BuchJJ
or here above this chapter. I uploaded both clips in the chapters, where they start. If you haven't seen them yet, I'd give you the hint; watch them after reading, since you will know how this story ends then. Either way, have fun with whatever you intend to do next ^^ !


"Run Hermione! RUN!" The scream echoed in her ear like a pulsating vein. She didn't know where it came from and who yelled these words to her, but she obeyed immediately without hesitation.

It was a typical November morning; grey, cold and wet. The trees of the Firienholt Forest were swaying in the wind and the few leaves that hadn't fallen down yet, were struggling to stay up in the branches. It was no doubt that the winter was approaching, a very cold winter, which wouldn't make things easier at all. It meant that they had to find shelter soon or otherwise they would freeze to death, which really wasn't a part of Hermione's plan.

They were already searching for a place to live for months, a place where there wouldn't be any people, especially no untrustworthy people. In these days she couldn't trust anyone anymore, everyone was spying and lying for food and a roof and it was all her fault, the fault of that horrible, rotten woman Hermione hated so much.

But none of that mattered at that moment. Hermione was running through the forest not knowing where her feet led her, she only knew that she had to escape the shadows that were chasing her. They came from everywhere, creatures she didn't know and faces, familiar faces, but she couldn't recognize them nonetheless. She knew who was behind all this though; there was only one person who would chase her down, only one person who had a big problem with her existence.

The young witch tried to find her way through the dense forest, she was running barefoot due to the lack of her shoes, though she couldn't remember at all why she wasn't wearing any. The girl was running over stick and stone, so her feet already felt like they were burning even though she had the feeling she was only running for a minute. On top of everything the ex-Gryffindor couldn't see a thing, it was like she was half blind, which was probably the reason why she couldn't identify any of her chasers.

"Run Hermione! Faster!" This time it was closer like the owner of the voice was next to her, but who was it? She didn't even recognize if it belonged to a male or a female. Hermione turned her head to the side where she thought the yell came from, yet she couldn't see anything but a silhouette running not far from her. The girl started to get frustrated, why couldn't she see properly? And why was her whole body aching like she was already running for days?
"Hermione watch out!" The scream came from behind but it was too late, she fell just the second she heard the person behind her yell.

Where the hell am I? Hermione sat sweating and panting in her bed. The room was dark but warm. It took her a while to find out she wasn't in the forest running from shadows anymore, instead she was in the enchanted tent, she always carried with her.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" She felt her lover's long blond hair tickling her shoulder, his breath was now at her ear and his hand was reaching for her shoulder.

"Yes I was dreaming again. This time I couldn't see properly, it was very frustrating." Hermione started to press her cheek against his chest in the hope she would feel better with him protecting her.

"You shouldn't force finding answers, then you will always be blind. The truth will come to you when it's time." The elf kissed her hair and couldn't resist a smile when he saw her disappointed face. Hermione sighed and pushed him away. There were two things about Legolas that always annoyed her: the first was that she couldn't hide anything from him, he always knew when something was wrong or going on even before she knew it herself and the second thing was that he always had to talk in riddles. Not that having to think a while before finding the answer was new to her and besides she was without doubt smart enough to understand what he was talking about, but it just irritated her that he couldn't say something like "I can imagine how horrible that must have been, I'm here for you now." Oh well, at least now I know how I sounded like to Harry and Ron back in the days, she thought to herself.

In pain she reminded herself of those days, it was a merry and carefree time. Many things had changed since then. Muggles started to ask questions, magic was seen by people and they didn't like the idea of magicians living amongst them, so they started to chase them down. Most wizards and witches tried to find another world to live in, some stayed with the humans and gave up using magic, others fled to places no one lived. Hermione never would have thought that humans could be so stupid when they're in panic. Her parents were so much different than most of them, they were all acting like the Dursleys for god sake. The young witch knew the day would come, she had to give up living with her parents. It was the hardest thing for her to leave her mom and dad behind after using the obliviate-spell on them.

After Middle-Earth was discovered many magicians moved there, it was a perfect place because everything was already filled with magic. For a moment there everything was fine until some wizards and witches started to exploit their power and used it for bad causes. Dwarfs and elves were forced to work for the stronger creatures such as Hermione's kind, they were treated like slaves. The problem was that the natives of this world were outnumbered, they couldn't stand a chance against the magic. Even the few wizards who already lived in Middle-Earth used the magic differently, they couldn't use spells like the invaders did. So at the end the magicians started to rule all over the lands and used the inhabitants as slaves and sometimes for personal amusement.

Hermione had lived with other magicians in Gondor, when she'd met Legolas. She had seen many elves dragged down the streets by wizards, but none was still standing there with such a pride or confidence like the former elvenprince. His long, blond hair was shimmering in the sunlight while his expression in his face was saying he would let nothing get through to him and hurt him, nothing would take him down. For a moment there he looked at the witch standing in the corner of the street staring at him. Legolas' blue and icecold eyes lingered at the girl when they exchanged glances, but all she saw was pure hate, hate and the urge to fight and take revenge. It was a short moment but this moment was enough for Hermione to find the elf so fascinating that she couldn't stop thinking about him. She knew the wizards who thought they'd own this elf, they were living not far from her house. So every morning when she went to do groceries, she walked by their home in the hope of seeing this beautiful blond creature again. And she did...

"Try to sleep, I'm here when you need me." Hermione smiled at her lover. He knew how to be nice after all. She let him hug her and in that position she fell asleep almost instantly.


A/n.: Well my first chapter :)! Hope you like it, because I've never written in English before so this is kind of really new for me. It's been years I've been writing anyways.

Please reviews are important to improve so go ahead and write some :D! Well have fun reading and I'll try to write the next chapter as soon as possible!

I do not own anything, LOTR and HP belong to Warner Bros J.K. Rowling and J.R.R. Tolkien. It's for non-profit and fun only!

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