#14:The Hate Gets to You

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Hey BOOS well during the last couple of days in between my busy schedule I read a REALLY GOOD FAN FICTION NON STOP I LITERALLY STAYED UP ALL NIGHT READING IT (hehe)

It's called 'Taken' Its a Niall FanFiction and it had the other boys too it is really good I had to remind my self ALOT of times that it was just a story not real life

Haha well ENJOY this preference my LOVELY HUMANS



You and Lou were on the couch watching T.V

You were watching some gossip show

The lady was talking to some fans about the 1D Girlfriends

When she asked about you and Lou

"Uhmm I don't ship them ... I think he deserves someone 100% better then her" a fan said and with that you were off the couch and in tears heading towards the bathroom

Lou saw you getting up and followed you

You ran to the bathroom and locked yourself in there

"Babe please let me talk to you" he pleaded

"No I don't wanna talk" you said back hugging your knees and sobbing

"Ok the we'll do it though the door I guess" he said before speaking again

"Babe it's ok you don't have to listen to them-" he said before you interrupted

"Why because its true that you deserve someone better then me" you snapped back

"No why would you think that... You deserve someone better then me ... Your perfect and I love you just the way you are... Don't let some hating fans get in the way of that please" he said

A couple of hours went by and you cleared your head

You were convinced about what Lou said and opened the door to being welcomed with a the biggest hug

"I love you Y/N and that will never change" he said before giving you a full kiss on the lips

"Thanks Lou I love you too" you said returning the kiss


You and your boyfriend were at home he came back from tour a few days ago

You knew that there were fans that loved and hated you

And you just happened to be on twitter one day to see what was trending



A lot more was trending

You slapped your laptop shut and started crying

"Babe-" Zayn said coming into your shared flat

"What's wrong" he says with concern

You shoved open the computer and show him what's trending

He stares at the screen in disbelief

"I'm so sorry babe" he said while hugging you

"Why are you sorry" you said with a groggy voice

"Because I pulled you into this mess and its all my fault there hating on you"

You stayed silent for a while only letting your sobs fill the room

Zayn suddenly got his phone out

You didn't notice him taking a picture of you crying

He typed angrily on his phone and the once he was done he sat next to you hugging you as tight as he could as if he let go you would disappear

Seconds later you heard your phone ring

You got it and it was from twitter Zayn had posted something

You look at the picture of you crying and read what it said

@zaynmalik1D: Guys this is unacceptable. I don't want to come home from work seeing my beautiful girlfriend @Y/T/N crying because of hate. If you would please stop your not just hurting her your hurting me. #Y/NTheBestGirlfriendEver #LoveYouY/N

You smiled at the tweet

That afternoon there were fans that loved you tweeting you nonstop about how Zayn is so lucky to have and that you shouldn't listen to the haters there just jealous. And that did make you feel a lot better then you did before


You were out by yourself on a Friday at the mall because Liam was at the studio and most of your friends were already busy

So you decided that today would me your 'Me Day'

Just you to by yourself relaxed

"Y/N" you heard your name being called

You turn around to see a group of girls

"Can we please have you autograph WE LOVE YOU AND LIAM TOGETHER YOU GUYS ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE" they gushed

You were happy to take pictures and sign autographs

One random girl came up to you and handed you a piece of paper

You just took it thinking it was probably for Liam

Fans usually ask you to give things to the boys which you gladly do

You were tired of being at the mall so you decided it was time to go home

Maybe Liam was home from the studio and you to could hang out

On the way to your car you couldn't help but be curious about what the note was about

It didn't have a name or anything it was just a folded piece if paper

You opened it and shocked at what you read

Dear Y/N,

Just so you know I don't like you but I LOVE LIAM. He doesn't deserve a BITCH like you. Your UGLY FAT AND USELESS. And Im on the other hand PERFECT. Just go try and kill yourself I guarantee you that no one will care

Sincerely, Brittany (no offense to anyone with the name Brittany I just made up a name)

You felt your eyes start to water

You drove as fast as you could trying to get home first to clean yourself up before Liam could get home

You got home to seeing no car in the drive way so you assumed no one was home

You unlocked the door and ran upstairs

You opened the door to the room that you and Liam shared

You were shocked to see him on the bed

He looked up at you with a smile but that soon faded as he saw that you have been crying

"Uhh hold on guys something came up ill be back in a sec" he said

You a bit confused but reminded yourself that Fridays Liam usually did Twitcams

"Babe what- why are you crying" he asked wiping away the tears

"Nothing Li just go back to your Twitcam" you said walking out the door

You had the Letter in you hand and it slipped

Liam saw that you didn't want to talk and he understood that

"Babe you-" he said but stopped talking as he opened the letter and read what was inside

His face went to total shock

"What's this" he asked not taking his eye off of the piece of paper

"Nothing it's just a letter a fan wrote to me"

"Nothing this isn't Nothing Y/N" he whisper yelled

"Li please just-" you said but were interrupted by Liam walking over to the bed sitting down

"Guys this right here is a letter that a fan wrote to my 'Words can't describe how beautiful girlfriend' and its not just a letter it's a hate letter... I understand that sometimes you don't like her but this... Is just sick ... I love her with all my heart and wouldn't want anybody else but her.... So please stop hating on her. Do it for me please" and with that he stopped the Twitcam and walked over to you

"I'm sorry Y/N" he said giving you a bear hug

"It's ok Liam ... It happens and we can't do anything about it" you said trailing off

"We'll there is one thing" he said perks up

"And what is that" you asked confused

"We could go on a secret vacation that nobody would know about and that way it will be just me and you alone"

"But what about touring and song writing and especially how are we gonna do that with paparazzi everywhere tracking out every move" you asked

"Just leave that to me but will you go on a secret vacation with me" he asked

"Of course Li I would love to"

You didn't know how Liam managed to do it

You both went on a 3 week vacation alone just like he promised

And 3 weeks it took you to get over the hate and realize you can't do anything about it but just leave It alone. Eventually it will go away


You were sick and tired of some of the fans calling you ugly and fat and also that you don't deserve Niall

You got tired of it and decided to tweet something

@Y/T/N: Guys I know I'm ugly ok. I get it I have to see it every time I look I the mirror. I don't need people telling me what I already know. I can't do anything about being fat. I work out a lot but that seems to not help. And I would prefer not to get surgery. I would PREFER being UGLY the being FAKE

with that you hit the TWEET button and suddenly you felt hot angry tears stream down your face

You couldn't help but cry a little

You thought to yourself almost convinced that you didn't deserve Niall

"Y/N What the HELL is this" Niall says walking. In with his phone in hand shoving it in your face

"Ugh a Phone" you say trying to wipe away the tears so Niall wouldn't see

"No the tweet that you tweeted what the hell was that about" he said really angry

"Niall calm down I was just saying that because of the hate and besides its the truth"

"No it's not the truth .. Your beautiful to me no matter what... I LOVE YOU" He said on the verge of tears

"Niall don't cry ... It's just hate" you said trying not to cry yourself

"Just promise me you won't tweet anything else stupid like this and just stop listening to the hate THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT US ok" he said hugging you tight to the point where you couldn't breath

"Promise" you choked out

"Niall I can't breath" you said as he let you go

"Oh sorry babe" he said

Later you finally got over the hate. It didn't bother you as much as it did. If that's what I took to be with the one you loved then so be it. You were willing to do anything to fight for the one you loved. And ignoring the hate was just something that you had to do to get through it


You were in your shared room by yourself

Harry went out for a bit but you stayed home

As soon as you went to twitter following fans and answering there tweets

When you stumbled along a tweet

(I just made up this twitter name so sorry if it really exists)

@Hazzas'_#1_Fan: Harry deserves someone Prettier And Skinnier then you like me. You should just go die no one cares about you

You stared at the tweet crying

You didn't even notice when the door to your bedroom opened

"Y/N what's wrong ... Why are you crying" he said walking over to you

You quickly tried to wipe the tears away but it was to late he had already seen them

"Nothing Harry just a sad movie" you said trying to cover it up

"But the T.V's not on" he said back

Somehow you reminded your self of the tweet and burst out crying

"Babe please just tell me what's wrong" he said pleading

You unlocked your phone showing him the tweet

His face changed from sad to angry

He got his phone out and tweeted the girl who sent to you that tweet

@Harry_Styles: Excuse me @Hazzas'_#1_Fan You don't need to be hating on my amazing girlfriend. And if you were really a fan you would just respect that. I wouldn't of asked for someone more perfect to be my girlfriend @Y/T/N #BestGirlfriendICouldEverAskFor

He showed you the tweet

You just smiled and thanked him for standing up for you

You tried your best to stay away from Social Network sites because you didn't want to see hate ever again. But if you did Harry was always ther to reassure you he will always love you


Hey BOOS I decided to update early because I would be really busy tomorrow and I don't want to forget to update so here it is HOPES YOU LIKE IT



sorry I have no idea why I wrote that in caps hehe well BOO BYE BOOS UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER

P.S: Sorry if there are ERRORS like I said editing isn't one of my Talents


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