#18:One Word You Use To Describe Him

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DAGUM now I'm hungry haha but ANYLOU (HA see what I did there 😋)



LIAM : Caring

Liam asked to be described in one word. And you said caring because everything he does for you is out of care. Whether it be that you're sick and need medicine or when it your time of the month. Or just plainly him being there for you. Your are very thankful to have Liam in your life. Because he is always there to keep you calm and makes you feel safe.

HARRY : Adventurous

Describing Harry in one word. You would say Adventurous because Harry is that type if guy. He makes last minute plans for dates. They are always fun and you never forget them. You make memorable memories. And you take the day as it comes. So you never know what's planned for the day. You love that he takes effort to make you happy. And that all he does for you comes from the heart.

NIALL : Cheesy

Niall is so cheesy. And you love that about him. That's the word you use to describe him. You love that he makes cheesy jokes like "Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!" Or "You shouldn't wear makeup. It's messing with your perfection!". They make you laugh and blush. Mostly they make you feel loved. You know that you love Niall and Niall loves you. And that's all that matters.

LOUIS : Cuddly

A word that you would describe your boyfriend Louis. Would be Cuddly because to you he is a giant adorable lovable teddy bear. Mostly because Lou is taller then you. You love to call him LouBear (Omfg I just made this nickname up and I love it its adorable , ok back to the pref) instead of BooBear because that's what the boys call him. Also because it suits him for being your teddy bear. Louis doesn't mind the nickname. But the boys don't stop teasing him about it. So to even things out you made up Nicknames for the rest of the boys so they would stop ganging up Lou. And just for the record the nicknames are sort-of-kind-of embarrassing. So now the boys don't tease Louis anymore thanks to you. And Lou loves you extra for that.

ZAYN : Protective

If someone asks you to describe Zayn in one word it would be Protective. Zayn loves you SOO much and he is scared of losing you. Because he doesn't want anybody to hurt you. And he doesn't want that to happen. He gives you your space when needed but if your around other boys. Zayn sure lets them know that your his. You don't mind ,your happy that Zayn loves you to the point where he is scared of losing you because that makes you feel loved. And you , well you do love Zayn FOREVER AND ALWAYS.


Ok so I took me a while to write this preference

I'm actually writing this like at 7:00 Am because I can't go to sleep

And Im not usually awake at this time

Oh and because im going to be at my aunts house most of the day and she doesn't have Wi-Fi 😕

WTF I know right but yeah I didn't want to forget to update

I took extra time to make sure there were no mistakes

Because I read over some of my preferences and WOW lots of mistakes so I decided I would look over my preferences from now on so you can understand them more hah

I guess I'm just eager to let you read the preference that I don't notice all the mistakes


Just thank you to all of those who read my preferences and vote.

It means ALOT to me. And keep it up

Uhm well yeah I guess that's all I have to say later Peanut butter panda boos ❤you guys to death😊

And since no one really answers the questions I ask Im not going to do them no more. Mostly because I don't know what to ask.

But ANYLOU ( hehehe ) thanks for all the reads and votes I REALLY REALLY DO APPRECIATE IT

and if you guys want me to read any of your FANFICS im all up for it just comment the name and ill read it 😊

And sorry if there are errors I tried my best to correct all of them


MURICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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