#24:Waking Up

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Hello Hi Vas Happenin POTATOS hahah ok moving on

Here a preference :)


"Harry get up babe" you whisper

"Hmmmm" you hear him groan

"Harry we have to go pick up your parents from the airport" you say

He rolls over this time facing you

"Ok ill be up in a bit" he says and you get out of bed

Today was the day that you and Harry were going to get his parents at the airport because they were coming to visit

After getting out of bed you changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt you packed some nicer clothes for when you get there you can change and look presentable

You did the same for Harry knowing that he would be to tired to do anything

After gathering everything you needed you decided it was time to go you went down stairs and out the door to turn on the car to make sure it was warm enough for when you came back

Going back inside and upstairs Harry was still in bed

"Babe" you whispered

"We're good to go, so get up now" you said

He got up hesitantly

You handed him some comfortable clothes to put on and his sweater
And left

"Harry I'm driving" you said when he was about to get in on the drivers side

With out hesitation he moved and went to the passenger side and laid back down

You chuckled to yourself before starting your 3 hour journey to the airport

~3 Hours Later~

"Mom, Dad" Harry greeted with a big smile and enormous hug

And you did the same

Leaving the airport and going back home

"So how was the drive" Anne asked

"Well this guy didn't want to get out of bed and was lazy" you said pointing to Harry

"Doesn't surprise me" she teases and you laugh

Getting back home you all get to know each other more and try to make the best out of the time you have before they have to leave again


You've spent 30 minutes trying to wake up Zayn

But nothing that you tried worked

You've tried shaking him, splashing a bit of water on him, taken the covers off of him but nothing seemed to work

After thinking of more ways to wake him up you came up with one you thought might work

You got close to his face and kissed him full on the lips

After 2 seconds of that you were going to move away until you felt Zayns lips move against yours and his arms move around your waist

You jerked away not expecting him to respond

"Finally you wake up" you groan

"Who says I haven't been"

"Well I've been trying to wake you up for the last hour but nothing"

"Ok well I haven't been up that long but when you pulled the blankets off that woke me up, I thought you were done but I decided to fake sleep and see what you would do next, and you kissed me so I kissed back" he explained

"Jerk" You said hit him on the chest

"I'm awake aren't I"

"Yeah but still that was mean"

"BooHoo big deal you got to kiss me why is that such a bad thing" he asked

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came to mind

"UGHH shut up" you groan and dig your head into your pillow which earns a chuckle from him

"AWWW it's ok babe" he coos in a baby voice

"Come on let's go get breakfast' he chimes

But you stay put

"I'll make your favorite"

You perk up

"Blueberry pancakes with strawberries?" You ask

"Yes but that's only if you get your lazy arse out of bed" he laughs

"Hey I'm not lazy" you protest

"Well if you weren't I wouldn't have to bribe you with pancakes" he retorts

"Oh what ever.... And there blueberry pancakes" you say sticking your tongue out at him

You sit at the table while Zayn makes the food

"Are you done?" You ask for the millionth time walking into the kitchen

"Almost" he informs

"Hmm" you respond hugging him from the back

"I love you"

"I love you too Y/N" you smile and your heart flutters at his response

You've been dating Zayn for a long time but even when he tells you he loves you, you can't help but feel butterflies in your tummy

After Zayn finished you sat down at the table and enjoyed your breakfast


"Niall" you said shaking him

"Niall" you repeated louder but still nothing

You knew the only hung that would wake up Niall is 'Food'

You went downstairs and started to make breakfast

After 30 minutes you managed to make Eggs, Bacon, and Pancakes

You served two plates and 2 glasses of Orange Juice

You made your way up to the stairs and into the bedroom

Niall still in bed

"Niall I made-" before you could finish your sentence Niall shot up

"Food" he yelled with full joy in his voice

You went closer to the bed and gave Niall his plate and juice

You sat next to him and ate next to him

You ate silently and all that was audible was Nialls eating

'He's SOO adorable when he eats' you thought to yourself

"What?" Niall asked


"Your not eating much and your staring at me" he said

"Oh nothing" you said and began to eat your breakfast

"No tell me"

You sigh before speaking

"Your just really cute when you eat" you say slightly embarrassed

He lets out a chuckle before speaking

"Thanks you too babe" he says

"Whatever" you say

He rolls his eyes playfully

You put your plate on your lap and lean into his chest

You eating your breakfast and him just laying beside you

He reaches over and tries to steal some of your bacon

"Mine" you yell and slap his hand

"Oww" he shrieks and pulls away

"You do not touch my food" you warn and earn a smile from Niall

"God I love you" he says and leans in for a kiss

You kiss for a little while and feel him smile and then start laugh and then pull away

You were confused but shrugged it off

Going to eat your breakfast again you notice there's no more bacon

And see that Niall has it

"Meanie" you pout

And resume to eat your breakfast well what left of it since Niall seems to just be stealing it


You were so happy sleeping until you heard your alarm wake you up

6:30 it read and time for school

You got out of bed but were soon restrained by Liam's strong arms

You tried getting out of his grasp but like you said

His arms are like strong

"Liam" you whisper yelled

"What?" His croaky morning voice asked

"I've gotta go to school today and I can't get up" you said

"Oh my gosh are you ok is something wrong?" He asked more alert now

"No it's just your arms are around my waist and I can't seem to get out of you grasp" you said with a chuckle at how worried Liam could get. It was adorable

"Oh" he said slightly embarrassed

He let go and you started to get up but he grabbed you again

"Liam" you whined

He technically dragged you back to bed with him putting the blankets over you and intertwining your legs also nuzzling your neck

"Liam I have to go-" you said but were interrupted by Liam

"You don't have to go today" he said

You thought for a while

"Liam you know I don't like missing class" you say

"Your such a goodie goodie" he chuckled

"I am not" you protested

"Are too" he retorted

"Am not"

"Ok then you aren't" he finally said

"Thank you" you smiled

"But come on just for today" he whined


"Please" he begged

"Fine" you say trying to sound upset but failed

You really didn't want to of to class because A. You were tired and B. more time with Liam is better then anything

"Yay" he practically yelled

"Now let's sleep" he requested

You laugh at him before getting comfortable

You turned to face him and he was facing you

"I love you"

"I love you too" he says before kissing your nose

"Now nap time" he says childishly

You can't help but laugh at him and cuddle up to him

Before you know it your off to a restful sleep with your loving boyfriend next to you


"Babe" you hear

But you don't respond

"Y/N" you hear Lou whisper again shaking you this time

"Hmm" you respond

"I have to go the boys need me" he say

You don't know what time it is but it feel like its 6:30

Your suspicions are confirmed when you see the clock in the night stand
6:40 it read

"No don't leave" you say and move to the opposite side where he is laying and hug him as tight as you can manage

He stays silent before moving back into bed with you

"I'm going to get in loads of trouble for not showing up" he says mostly to himself

He cuddles with you and you soon fall asleep

You wake up what feels like minutes later

You move around and don't feel Louis beside you

He probably left while you were asleep you thought you check the time and its 10:30

You get out of bed and but your hair up and brush your teeth before going downstairs

You hear talking but not just 1 voice, 5

Yay the boys are here there always loads of fun to be around you think to your self and go into the kitchen to get some breakfast

"Speaking of the devil" Louis says playfully

"What?" You ask

"You made me late and I got in trouble with Paul for not showing up in time, and I got a big lecture" he informs you

"And how is that my fault" you ask

"Well you practically begged me to stay with you" he says

"Well you didn't really have to stay now did you"

"Well..... I guess not" he says scratching his head

"He probably couldn't resist not staying in bed with you" Harry says winking

Louis gives him a glare

"I am pretty Irresistible" you tease

Lou looks at you with a big smile

"You sure are babe" he says and gives you a big kiss

"Hey PDA" Niall yells

"Yeah get a room you two" Zayn says after him

"Guys leave them be" Liam says defending you and Lou

"Thanks Li" you smile at him

"Besides our house our rules" you tell them

"Jeeez Sassy and Bossy Louis, Mach made in heaven Please marry her" Harry says

"I'm planning on it" Lou says and you can't help but blush

"Aww look who's blushing" Niall teasingly says

You give him a warning glare in which he puts his hands up in surrender

You smiled and resumed to make your breakfast and eat


Ok so I'm so pissed

When I was writing a another's preference it got deleted because my iPod died on me and I was so mad but

Yeah it happened hoped you liked it

Sorry it takes me forever to update

I've come up with loads of ideas and go some requests :)

I coming up with loads more also so please be patient I also have school to worry about :(


yeah I don't know there are days where I'm really random and I guess today's one of those days

Wel bye I gots to go's to school

But I don't wanna :(

~ Ali :/

P. S : I Dislike school

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